Well Folks, I have written rather extensively in an especially critical fashion about Fracking: this is a completely man-made horror show that will end tragically for all of us.
Actually I am wrong, the grievous and irreparable geological damage to our earth will NEVER END in our lifetimes; it will be ongoing from today --- endlessly into the future, and will eventually destroy all the deep aquifers within several hundred miles of wherever it has been allowed.
I have noted the ordained dreadful outcomes of this awful, devilishly-inspired practice – even on these FREE BLOGS.
And I very well knew this day would come; and here it is in Spades!
Now, to protect myself, I have to tell you to go to all the following links and then read the full articles: http://www.newsweek.com/emails-reveal-oil-ceo-wanted-oklahoma-scientists-studying-connection-quakes-332921
Oil CEO Wanted Oklahoma Scientists Studying Connection to Quakes Dismissed: Report
By 5/18/15 at 1:51 PM
midway through 2014, Oklahoma had already registered 230 quakes of magnitude 3
strength and greater, easily surpassing California as the most earthquake-prone
state in the country.
Jim Young/Reuters
Under: Tech & Science, Earthquakes, Oklahoma, University of Oklahoma,
Two things are now clear
to the overwhelming majority of earthquake scientists: The first is that
Oklahoma is experiencing a dramatic
surge in earthquakes never before seen in the state's history. The second
is that the oil and gas industry has something to do with it …..Meanwhile, the USGS’s opinion of the 400-fold increase in earthquakes in the state and similar spikes elsewhere in the region has become all the more blunt.
“This rise in seismic activity, especially in the central United States, is not the result of natural processes,” reads a USGS statement released in February. “Deep injection of wastewater is the primary cause of the dramatic rise in detected earthquakes and the corresponding increase in seismic hazard in the central U.S.”
So, do you any of guys out there yet understand what these clowns have been about, in messing with the deep geological fracture and fault zones and infrastructural integrity and support of the deep-water aquifers??
Oh! And about that new US oil independence as a result of dangerous and insane FRACKING:
do you any of guys out there yet understand that these FRACKED WELLS die a very ‘early death,’ and cannot really support the tremendous expense, when all the economic metrics are finally tabulated in a few years?
And can any of you guys imagine the total economic cost to this nation -- when the earthquake potentialities aggregate and then finally crack wide-open and roll across the American Heartland???
Trillions of Dollars, my friends, TRILLIONS!!!
And these trillions in earthquake damages will take place at just about the same time ----- as the 2nd wave of the Kondratieff breaks all across the economic landscape of the entire world!!
Earthquake rattles parts of northern Oklahoma
Posted: Jul 17, 2015 11:05 AM EST Updated: Jul 17, 2015 11:05 AM EST
HELENA, Okla. (AP) - Parts of northern Oklahoma have been shaken by an earthquake….The Oklahoma Geological Survey has said it is likely that some earthquakes in the state are being triggered by the injection of wastewater from oil and natural gas drilling operations…”
And, this earlier from: http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2015/05/06/after-oklahoma-earthquakes-silence-in-the-sooner-state
After Earthquakes, Silence in the Sooner State
Oklahoma officials have acknowledged a likely connection between earthquakes and oil drilling. But will they act to stop the shaking?
By Alan Neuhauser May 6, 2015 |
12:01 a.m. EDT +
“… Despite
official acknowledgment that oil and gas development is “very likely” behind
the thousands of earthquakes that have rattled the Sooner State in recent
years, questions remain …."The state has been taking a very head-in-the-sand approach, and the governor and legislative leaders have all been like, 'Well, we’re waiting for the science to come in.' Except the science has been in some time," says state Rep. Cory Williams, a Democrat who has called for a moratorium on wastewater disposal in areas of Oklahoma identified as particularly at risk for earthquakes.
"Now that we have identified there is a problem and are willing to accept there is a problem, we should have an action plan," Williams says...."
Are you guys and your companies getting ready for HELL on earth, yet??
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