Thursday, December 19, 2013

It Ain't Just Detroit -- Folks!!

Latest posts have yielded many critiques from the blind among us, which is one reason that I cut way back on these Free Blogs earlier in the year.
BUT, in the interest of defending my very recent posts, here is a response to those of you who, stated:

“OH man, everyone knows Detroit is in trouble, but the rest of the country ain’t that bad!”

And, second of all, please remember that you (and the rest of the world) have only experienced the FIRST OF THREE WAVES of the Super Tsunami Kondratieff Long-Waves!!!
And I talk to people all over this country every day, and I assure you that the economy is every bit as bad, and in fact much, worse than I and others think that it is!

However, there are currently very isolated HotSpots associated with the Bakken Oil Field, Fracking and reemerging Real Estate mania that will END VERY BADLY in the 2nd Wave of the Super Tsunami Kondratieff Long- Waves!!!

And, I clearly predicted the new RE Mania 3 years ago, that is completely phony, because it is entirely based on still too high RE prices, and nobody having anywhere to put their money to work with the FED’s insanely structured ZIRP, except collectable cars and RE and Stocks!!

Don’t you guys get what the FED has been doing --  yet?

And, Please, read all my many earlier posts on this insanely ignited RE phenomena that will only seem to be a rally in prices, BUT will not be so in inflation adjusted terms, with the real inflation rate right now raging between 7% to 13% per year and soon to explode.

And as for Fracking!!  

<Mark my words!!  This is a huge gamble and a disastrous environmental nightmare in the making propagated by Greedy Big Oil, which I do address in my paid for updates, i.e. HINT, HINT --buy water companies and companies that can address the new wave of huge earthquakes soon to rock this country, and anywhere else that engages in this totally insane and truly bizarre drilling and extractive technique that will end many things as we think we knew them!

Am I a Cassandra?

Am I a hopelessly hide-bound and negatively biased Cassandra?

Well, before you guys answer that, How about reading the following observations about the Macro-economic events of the last five years from someone who just might know a lot more about these things than YOU?

This is from today’s Opinion page of the New York Times.

I severely edited this and, therefore, give you the URL for the full article, because the NYT is so very sensitive about what they consider to be outright copying of their otherwise worthless Mind Drivel.

However, as I have admitted in the past, to Cover their A_ses, the MSM will often print quite helpful and accurate articles.

Here follows one – IMO!!

Op-Ed Contributor

Stumbling Toward the Next Crash

Published: December 18, 2013
LONDON — In early October 2008, three weeks after the Lehman Brothers collapse, I met in Paris with leaders of the countries in the euro zone. Oblivious to the global dimension of the financial crisis, they took the view that if there was fallout for Europe, America would be to blame — so it would be for America to fix. I was unable to convince them that half of the bundled subprime-mortgage securities that were about to blow up had landed in Europe and that euro-area banks were, in fact, more highly leveraged than America’s.
Despite the subsequent decision of the Group of 20 in 2009 on the need for rules to supervise what is now a globally integrated financial system, world leaders have spent the last five years in retreat, ….
The economist David Miles, who sits on the monetary policy committee of the Bank of England, may exaggerate when he forecasts financial crises every seven years, but most of the problems that caused the 2008 crisis — excessive borrowing, shadow banking and reckless lending — have not gone away. Too-big-to-fail banks have not shrunk; they’ve grown bigger. Huge bonuses that encourage reckless risk-taking by bankers remain the norm. ….
………… (I deleted roughly 70% of  this article, to avoid the charge of utilizing copyrighted material, which you guys should in fact go and read:  IF, you want to understand in some detail exactly why another and huger and much more devastating CRASH is imminent in roughly winter 2015/16 to summer fall of 2016)……… 
In short, precisely what world leaders sought to avoid — a global financial free-for-all, enabled by ad hoc, unilateral actions — is what has happened. Political expediency, a failure to think and act globally, and a lack of courage to take on vested interests are pushing us inexorably toward the next crash.
Gordon Brown, a Labour member of the British Parliament, is a former chancellor of the Exchequer and prime minister.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What Destruction? you have asked? Look at this!!

In my last post, I noted that the Super Tsunami Kondratieff  Long-Waves are bringing on a period of Creative Destruction.

Now I received many inquiries that asked,  "What Destruction are you referring to?"

To which I replied, "The destruction of this once vibrant and expansively exciting American economy, from sea to shining sea!"

You see, by the time I was eighteen, I  had lived in nine states from Alaska to Florida; and back then, the 50's and 60's, all of America had a sense of buoyant and boundless enthusiasm.

For broad swaths of America that sense of positive, enthusiastic energy filled optimism is DEAD!

Look at this photographic montage of Detroit and then be aware that these photos could be shot tomorrow in any one of hundreds of cities and towns all across this land!

This montage presents the face of DESTRUCTION!

In my update I will address the Creative aspect of this phenomenon.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Revised Update to all things in a couple of weeks!!

Well, Hello folks.  How have you all been?

We have been run ragged with a full portfolio of projects.

Given that all of our projections and predictions going back to March of 2009 and the fall of 2011 are ordained by the facts on the ground, we have not had to update anything since our last post of several months ago.

#1 Fed is still cranking their FMMM (Fed Magic Money Machine),
#2 Fed is now joined by all Central Banks of the world (especially BOJ) in a stealth and secretively executed Currency War Of The Ages
#3 Therefore, for Americans and American companies -- understanding our economic landscape is of critical importance,
#4 So, Dow Jones still headed toward 21,500 in spring to summer of 2016,
#5 Short-term Gold still headed toward $930 per ounce in summer of 2014, and then $3,000 to $7,000 per ounce in 2016 to 2019,
#6 American economy still contracting at roughly 3 to 7%, when one calculates the GDP correctly by incorporating the real inflation rate of 7 to 13% -- for those things that Americans need to buy to live, (apparently that does not include anything that the US CD measures!),
#7 All American companies should be peddle to metal to meet the demand of the resuscitated and blind sheeple DCBF's (Debt Crazed Buying Fanatics) over the coming 7 to 9 quarters, but for only certain industry and market segments that we clearly identify for our paying clients.

So, in the upcoming update every one of our projections will stay the same -- except that we are raising the Dow Jones target to roughly 22,500 in the spring to summer of 2016.

Remember folks,  the FED just telegraphed that some form of the QE's will probably remain in force for the next decade!

And in the upcoming  update we will cover the very real opportunities that  exist in this market that are being missed by the majority of companies.

Namely, due to the ongoing and raging Kondratieff Long-Waves (we are still only in the trough between the first and second of three waves), we are all in a period of Creative Destruction that will persist for the next twenty years at least, and apparently not one economist knows it, yet!

Now, on these free blogs we will not be too forthcoming, but will pull back the curtain on this just a bit, i.e. there do exist very real dynamics that afford every one and every company the chance to make Big Money, and to help many of the less fortunate and perceptive among us, over the next ten to twenty years!

Stay tuned!  

Ba DEE -- b DEE -- BaDEE --

That 's ALL Folks!