Thursday, March 22, 2018

What really is - 700 points on the Dow Jones?

Absolutely Nuthin!!

Stay tuned and I will come with some pertinent comments!

Namely, when I started out as a Broker in '77 the Dow Jones was at 778, period, end of story.

So, 700 points down on a Dow Jones of 25,000 is equal to a drop of roughly 2.8% or roughly 12.6 points on the Dow Jones of 700:  and back in the late 70's we saw 12 +/- many times.

Meanwhile, if you are in stocks - and can't sit still - then the correct technical strategy is to sell your largest losers and with the proceeds buy those stocks that have suffered the least amount of losses in the last few weeks; for, those will be, inevitably, the stocks that will lead the next stage of this once in a life-time rally.

Or better yet, search out those that are actually up!

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Kondratieff Tsunami Gains Momentum

Source: Reorg First Day
This list is soon to expand as the Retail Shopping Experience (RSE) for the average American has gone from the de rigueur fun thing to do on a Saturday afternoon to the de facto horrific experience to be avoided at all costs!


One can shop all day on the internet while being at home watching sports or whatever else intrigues you, while one enjoys complete freedom of absolutely unlimited access to retail offerings from literally anywhere in the country without threat of robbery, assault, boredom or anger and frustration of Traffic Jams and the outright rude and hostile shoppers encountered in these days and times!!

In other words, for the harried American, "Retail is Dead, period!!"

And here follows the most likely list of the next to fall in this Kondratieff Tsunami before 2020!!
And remember, now that the obvious is facing everyone, there is nothing left but the ever reduced prices by which to gain a sell; i.e. Good will and Consumer Loyalty are antiquated notions of a time gone by; namely, such things are dead and a thing of the past!
Therefore, only the largest Retailers with the largest aggregate sale figures will survive; and this seals the deaths of almost all smaller and less well protected Retailers!

Friday, March 9, 2018

It Ain't just Me Saying America Is Now a 3rd World Country

Hey Folks,

Re: deterioration of USA in last sixty years.

This once Great Christian Constitutional Republic is now neither a Constitutional Republic nor Christian nor Rich!

The fact that it is now not a Constitutional Republic is continually drummed into the Sheeples empty noggins by MSM that repeatedly and continuously calls this Constitutional Republic a Democracy, which it never was!

The fact that this once Great Christian Country is now not Christian was stated by President Obama after only seven days in office, which proved his allegiances and provenance; and that this once Great Christian Country is now heathen and Pagan is now repeatedly and continuously drummed into the Sheeples empty noggins by our MSM, and Entertainment and Scientific communities.

Now, the ineluctable and undeniable fact that this once Great Christian Constitutional Republic is no longer Rich has just been confirmed by one of the highest levels of American Academics; i.e. MIT, no less:

Cheers, Fellow 3rd Worlders!
