Well Folks!
I guess some don't like what I have written over the years.
Since my last post, my access to this Blog has been severely attacked: I don't know what else to call it.
So, now that I am able to access again, I will post a short update this Sunday.
But, if I am once again denied access:
All things remain Go > >> for all previous identified market targets and aggregate economic data.
#1 All the World is still caught in the downward draft of the Super Long-Wave Kondratieff Tsunami that I have written extensively about on this Blog and on my Home Page at www.polestarcomm.com.
#2 The downdraft of the Kondratieff onslaught will continue unabated until roughly 2025,
#3 Dow Jones still targeted to 26,000 - and maybe higher,
#4 Gold still targeted to $ 825 an ounce - and maybe lower,
#5 All economies still gripped by the evaporation of demand for everything. That is except for investment alternatives to the stock Market that are right now rapidly becoming over bought, e.g. old cars, paintings, High-end Real Estate; all of this action in these markets we quite accurately predicted to our clients and friends back in March of 2009 and from the Fall of 2011 on this Blog.
Much more Sunday.

The last full blown Kondratieff Long-Wave contraction occurred in the 30's. The next Kondratieff Long-Wave finally commenced in 2007-08, after being delayed by several foolish and ultimately unsuccessful interdictions of the US Monetary and Fiscal authorities. Its reemergence is now ordained with the FED's insanely structured ZIRP! Therefore, the Kondratieff's full impact is due to reassert itself in the next 18 to 36 months. If you want to know more: go to, www.polestarcomm.com
Friday, November 27, 2015
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Update Next Sunday
Some things regarding demand weakness were revealed in the latter part of last week that have affected short and intermediate term.
But long-term all Markets still ordained for previous targets.
But long-term all Markets still ordained for previous targets.
Friday, September 18, 2015
Major Update Sunday
This is what I had been waiting for - FEDSPEAK - before issuing a major update to all that precedes!!
If you, dear befuddled and confused reader, and the world were to read Ms. Yellen's comments yesterday, ever so carefully ...
You, and the world, would all realize that she has let the cat out of the bag!!!!
Translation: WE and all the world are caught in the grips of the Kondratieff!!!!
Do any of you guys get IT, YET???
If you, dear befuddled and confused reader, and the world were to read Ms. Yellen's comments yesterday, ever so carefully ...
You, and the world, would all realize that she has let the cat out of the bag!!!!
Translation: WE and all the world are caught in the grips of the Kondratieff!!!!
Do any of you guys get IT, YET???
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
End of the World Crash??????????
Update in a few days: in the meantime, buy all BANKS, Big PHARMA, Big Food, and Gaming.
Sell all precious metals; Au still heading for $825 to 850 per ounce.
Ba DEE ba deeee. Daat's ALLL Folks!!!!!
for now
Update in a few days: in the meantime, buy all BANKS, Big PHARMA, Big Food, and Gaming.
Sell all precious metals; Au still heading for $825 to 850 per ounce.
Ba DEE ba deeee. Daat's ALLL Folks!!!!!
for now
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Is This The Long-Foretold Crash?
Because I actually feel sorry for so many misguided and frightened Sheeple, I will provide some much needed guidance in the very next few days: there are obviously so many confused and scared Sheeple out there who have NOT the conviction nor the knowledge of basic 101 economics + basic 101 Central Banking.
Stay Tuned, Be Deee dee BA DEEE
That is for this sad week of very foreseeable BS!!??!@?!!
Because I actually feel sorry for so many misguided and frightened Sheeple, I will provide some much needed guidance in the very next few days: there are obviously so many confused and scared Sheeple out there who have NOT the conviction nor the knowledge of basic 101 economics + basic 101 Central Banking.
Stay Tuned, Be Deee dee BA DEEE
That is for this sad week of very foreseeable BS!!??!@?!!
Friday, July 17, 2015
Storm Clouds are LOOMING on all Quadrants!!
Well Folks, I have written rather extensively in an especially critical fashion about Fracking: this is a completely man-made horror show that will end tragically for all of us.
Actually I am wrong, the grievous and irreparable geological damage to our earth will NEVER END in our lifetimes; it will be ongoing from today --- endlessly into the future, and will eventually destroy all the deep aquifers within several hundred miles of wherever it has been allowed.
I have noted the ordained dreadful outcomes of this awful, devilishly-inspired practice – even on these FREE BLOGS.
And I very well knew this day would come; and here it is in Spades!
Now, to protect myself, I have to tell you to go to all the following links and then read the full articles: http://www.newsweek.com/emails-reveal-oil-ceo-wanted-oklahoma-scientists-studying-connection-quakes-332921
Oil CEO Wanted Oklahoma Scientists Studying Connection to Quakes Dismissed: Report
By Zoë
Schlanger 5/18/15 at 1:51 PM
midway through 2014, Oklahoma had already registered 230 quakes of magnitude 3
strength and greater, easily surpassing California as the most earthquake-prone
state in the country.
Jim Young/Reuters
Under: Tech & Science, Earthquakes, Oklahoma, University of Oklahoma,
Two things are now clear
to the overwhelming majority of earthquake scientists: The first is that
Oklahoma is experiencing a dramatic
surge in earthquakes never before seen in the state's history. The second
is that the oil and gas industry has something to do with it …..Meanwhile, the USGS’s opinion of the 400-fold increase in earthquakes in the state and similar spikes elsewhere in the region has become all the more blunt.
“This rise in seismic activity, especially in the central United States, is not the result of natural processes,” reads a USGS statement released in February. “Deep injection of wastewater is the primary cause of the dramatic rise in detected earthquakes and the corresponding increase in seismic hazard in the central U.S.”
So, do you any of guys out there yet understand what these clowns have been about, in messing with the deep geological fracture and fault zones and infrastructural integrity and support of the deep-water aquifers??
Oh! And about that new US oil independence as a result of dangerous and insane FRACKING:
do you any of guys out there yet understand that these FRACKED WELLS die a very ‘early death,’ and cannot really support the tremendous expense, when all the economic metrics are finally tabulated in a few years?
And can any of you guys imagine the total economic cost to this nation -- when the earthquake potentialities aggregate and then finally crack wide-open and roll across the American Heartland???
Trillions of Dollars, my friends, TRILLIONS!!!
And these trillions in earthquake damages will take place at just about the same time ----- as the 2nd wave of the Kondratieff breaks all across the economic landscape of the entire world!!
Earthquake rattles parts of northern Oklahoma
Posted: Jul 17, 2015 11:05 AM EST Updated: Jul 17, 2015 11:05 AM EST
HELENA, Okla. (AP) - Parts of northern Oklahoma have been shaken by an earthquake….The Oklahoma Geological Survey has said it is likely that some earthquakes in the state are being triggered by the injection of wastewater from oil and natural gas drilling operations…”
And, this earlier from: http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2015/05/06/after-oklahoma-earthquakes-silence-in-the-sooner-state
After Earthquakes, Silence in the Sooner State
Oklahoma officials have acknowledged a likely connection between earthquakes and oil drilling. But will they act to stop the shaking?
By Alan Neuhauser May 6, 2015 |
12:01 a.m. EDT +
“… Despite
official acknowledgment that oil and gas development is “very likely” behind
the thousands of earthquakes that have rattled the Sooner State in recent
years, questions remain …."The state has been taking a very head-in-the-sand approach, and the governor and legislative leaders have all been like, 'Well, we’re waiting for the science to come in.' Except the science has been in some time," says state Rep. Cory Williams, a Democrat who has called for a moratorium on wastewater disposal in areas of Oklahoma identified as particularly at risk for earthquakes.
"Now that we have identified there is a problem and are willing to accept there is a problem, we should have an action plan," Williams says...."
Are you guys and your companies getting ready for HELL on earth, yet??
Friday, May 22, 2015
Are you Guys Getting Ready For the Inevitable????
Well Folks, I knew this day would come: and here it is in Spades!
The MSM is just now starting to warn the Sheeple of the Coming Market
Meltdown; so that , they can say, “We told you so!”
I could see this day coming because over the last 60 days there have been more and more commentaries and debates allowed on the FV’s* Morning and Daily Financial Networks that have allowed primed and paid for nincompoops, Pumpkin Heads, Sycophants and assorted EMM’s** to talk about a POSSIBLE ASSET BUBBLE!?!?!?!
Like, Oh Really!! An expanding asset/equity Bubble?
With aggregated PE’s above 20, its; more like an EXPLODING DIRIGIBLE!!!
Also, I have seen this all before, back in ’65, and ’69, and especially before the Total Market Crash of ’73 to Dec ’74.
So, if you guys are not getting ready for the Second Wave of the Kondratieff Super Tsunami, then know that you were thoroughly warned on this FREE BLOG, and on the first lengthy page of my website @ www.polestarcomm.com.
The following is from Market Watch; you can go there to read the full story, which has been severely excised herein:
Opinion: 5 bubbles that Draghi’s QE is already blowing
Market Watch Published:
May 20, 2015 3:00 a.m. ET
Asset prices
are going up in Spain, Ireland and Portugal
“Sixty billion euros here. A hundred billion there. To paraphrase Everett Dirksen’s apocryphal quote about the U.S. budget, pretty soon you are talking about real money. Earlier this year, the European Central Bank launched its quantitative easing program with 60 billion euros a month of asset purchases by the central bank.“Now, in response to some mild turbulence in the bond market, it is talking about front-loading QE, taking the total of fresh cash minted in Frankfurt every month up to 100 billion or even more. In short, real money.
“Academics will no doubt be discussing the effectiveness of QE in lifting the real economy for a couple of generations at least, and probably not reaching any definitive conclusions. … One thing we can say for sure, however, is that it boosts asset prices.
“In fact, it is already happening. A series of Mario Draghi bubbles are already inflating across the eurozone. … … For a lucky few investors, QE is already working its magic.
“The ECB president probably had no choice but to finally bite the bullet and launch the ECB’s own version of QE earlier this year. The continent was sliding rapidly into deflation, with prices dropping in countries such as Spain. The economy was slipping into a depression, and unemployment was rising relentlessly even as the rest of the global economy was recovering. The only real surprise was that it took so long.
“That doesn’t mean, however, that the money created won’t blow up asset prices. Indeed, it is already happening. Here are five markets that are already benefitting from the tidal wave of money Draghi has created.
“First, take a look at Spanish construction. …
“Second, Dublin housing. …
“Third, German wages. …
“Fourth, Maltese assets: …
“Five, Portuguese stocks: ….
“In reality, central banks can print money when they want to. …
“But in the main Draghi’s tidal wave of euros is most likely to simply to blow up another series of asset bubbles….. — and it will inevitably be very painful when they finally pop."
And all of the above justified and truth-filled criticism can be leveled at the ZIRP of the FED over the last six years, and against the growing mess now freely reigning among the stupid SH_T investors in the US markets; e.g. common Stocks, paintings, cars, (Already) overpriced Real Estate, etc., etc., etc!!!
But, Don’t Forget!! We are going to DOW 26,500 first: and, by the over-arching by, I still am looking for Gold to
Crash this year to around 825 to 950 per oz..
This will then force even more of the congenitally Deaf, Dumb, Blind, Godless and Christless (therefore, overly Stupid) investors into
the stupidly way-overvalued common stocks, which have of late truly reached insanely overpriced levels!!
Ain’t it fun, once you understand what they are about?
As in: "Ain’t it so, so very much funny and, histologically hysterical??
Once you truly understand what they are about?"
* FV= Funny Vision vs. Tele Vision
**EMM - EcnoMystical Mystic.
You can go to the bottom of our Homepage to discover more of our handy-dandy acronyms
Once you truly understand what they are about?"
* FV= Funny Vision vs. Tele Vision
**EMM - EcnoMystical Mystic.
You can go to the bottom of our Homepage to discover more of our handy-dandy acronyms
Friday, May 8, 2015
Another Crash Warns Tim Geithner! No KIDDING!!
They actually know its coming!
Ain't that just too cute!!!
And they are, of course, right, because the second wave of the Super Kondratieff is inevitable, ordained and as sure as tomorrow's sunrise.
You can catch all his empty blather @
Ain't that just too cute!!!
And they are, of course, right, because the second wave of the Super Kondratieff is inevitable, ordained and as sure as tomorrow's sunrise.
You can catch all his empty blather @
"Another crisis will happen again: ... former
Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner ... ...loss of American confidence, and
why another crisis is likely.</p>
" Former Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner
said Thursday that a financial crisis will happen again at some point,
but the structural reforms undertaken after 2008 can serve to mitigate
the damage. Oh Really? Like mitigate the loss of jobs, the loss of houses, the loss of families, the loss of lives?
"The U.S. economy now is a more stable, resilient, and stronger economy than before the 2008 financial crisis, Geithner said in an interview with CNBC's "Squawk Box." Even with the challenges in the U.S. economy, America is a "lucky country," he added...."
Oh Really? More stable, more resilient, and stronger, because of the loss of jobs, the loss of houses, the loss of families, the loss of lives?
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Where da' Grouth?!?!?!!?!?!!?
“Duh! Where da’ grouth, in dis here economie!!”
Say da’ brain-dead EMM * on the financial Roo’s stream of useless and empty commentary in the columns
on today’s Yahoo!!
Can they spell
US Growth Isn’t Accelerating as Analysts Expected
By Russ Koesterich, CFA of BlackRock 18
hours ago
“.. Russ
explains why today’s economic environment, characterized by monetary stimulus
meant to combat slower-than-expected economic growth, is helping many of the
large, global financial firms.
“There is more evidence from the world’s
largest economies that global economic growth is not accelerating as expected.
“In the United States, March retail
sales, industrial production and housing figures all disappointed, and the
persistent softness in U.S. economic data means the United States will struggle
to hit the 3% annual growth rate that investors had expected at the beginning
of the year. Meanwhile, first quarter growth in China decelerated to 7%, the
slowest pace in six years. …”
Or you can learn why there is no ‘grouth’, and read our free Blogs over the last 4 years, or subscribe to our services.
* EMM = EcnoMystical Mystic (Go to the bottom of our home page for full list of our handy-dandy acronyms
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