Friday, December 29, 2017

While the Trillionaires don't give a .......

All the misery presented in my last posts surrounds us while the trillionaires in our society don't give a flying f_ck!!

And please don't tell me that their BS Parties, Phony Charities and  Galas For Poverty (that are reported in all the society pages of all our MSM) means that they do care, or will ever do anything of substance about what you have just read and viewed!! 

But with the closing days of 2017 finally upon us, I now write that I know of  something coming just for them and all the foolish ones, that I will be writing about at the right time in the future!

Namely, it is more than certain that there comes a day that all the Millionaires, Billionaires and Trillionaires, who don't give a flying f_ck about the misery caused by their insouciant gathering of great wealth, will pay dearly for their ungoverned greed and blatant thievery!!

 But they will all pay by forces beyond their control and understanding!! 

And that day approacheth ever closer and ever closer; and it is directly related to the nadir of the current Kondratieff Wave.

The signs of all these things are in the sum and in the total of money aggregates -- and their movements around the nations of the earth!

Think ye, that a Leonardo da Vinci painting - and that nothing else of value - changed hands for $450.3 million?

Think ye, that Bitcoin is what you have been told that it is!

But the real signs are in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; for, none of these are what you have been told:  they are lights and they were given us as signs, and for seasons, and for days, and for years (Genesis 1:14).

Do ye all really think that September 1996 passed without nary a thing changing? 

Oh, but everything changed, and turned, and evolved - for ever and ever: and all these things and all these Forces are soon to collide; and after a period of delusion only one will remain!

Homeless Families & Women in America

Hey folks,

Re: The reality of the homeless in this USA.

Namely, here follows a very examples of regular people caught in the deadly vice of misfortune that is most often brought about by exorbitantly high bills for unanticipated health care and/or a deteriorating economy that has been - in fact - deteriorating for the last forty years - or so.

Homelessness is a “Stark Reality Check”in the words of this woman:

Disabled homeless woman describes every difficulty of being on the street.  This woman's plight is all the more unacceptable in our society when you factor in that her son spent three tours in Iraq with another son just going in the Marines.  

Yet, this woman is by herself and lives a miserable life on the streets. At one time in this country such women were highly honored, and respected, and helped by a caring community -- with their finances!!

Does this make sense to you?

Another disabled woman with no options, and no family, and no one who cares about her: she describes her life as "just floating around" and  "living day to day with God’s help:"

A really sad story of a young attractive woman who is obviously lost and alone.  But her story exhibits evidence of an unstated bitter past that is indicated by her wish to find and live with someone that understands her:

A homeless Mother with a 3 year old daughter and 9 year old son:

A homeless family that paid on a home that was fraudulently rented to them by an obvious criminal.

They believed that they were leasing with an option to buy.  Their belief was rudely evaporated into nothing when four policemen showed up - unannounced - with eviction orders!!

They had minutes to get out and lost everything, and have been living in motels ever since.  And this is happening in thousands of similar cases all over America; and in this case it is happening   with a working - and quite obviously - loving Father

Does this make sense to you?:

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Millions Left Behind ...

Hey Folks,

Re: the human waste of this most terrible of economies.

We have spent Trillions of Dollars in third world HELL- HOLES for what purpose?

And we have left millions of our own citizens homeless - without hope and bereft of all human kindness or concern!

And many of these were just like us, but they were financially destroyed by the immense contractions in our once boisterous economy -- that was forever replaced by the economy of the last ten years!!

And they will be joined by millions and millions more each year --- into the real Kondratieff disaster that will envelope all the world's economies in 2022 to 2025!!!

Eli – a man of God with a gift of the spoken word and a spirit of an angel. Oh God!  May I find him and help him and others!!

Articulate exposition by a homeless former Professor that holds three Degrees and commented quite lucidly on the plight of those who become homeless due to the contracting nature of the USA  Economy:

A disabled man ruined by a divorce complicated by deteriorating health caused this man’s homelessness:

Ray gives clear explanation of financial dilemma of the Homeless, for which there is no escape:

Very articulate L. A. Homeless woman evokes great empathy for the heartbroken and isolated and ignored:

Homeless disabled woman gives a heartfelt story of 16 years as a homeless person by herself with no one to help or care for her:

Homeless woman who could not find employment and lives with her husband in the woods in Florida:

Seattle homeless woman:

Homeless young woman in London who was a Veteran of Royal medical Services - who spent a tour in Afghanistan, was wounded and for all that was abandoned by the system in Britain:

Homeless woman in London England tells a story that will make you ashamed of all the wealth that some spend on their lousy selves; and she tells of hundreds of thousands in similar circumstances in London that were moved out of the city right before the Olympics in 2012:

Homeless 19 year old girl who is attending Junior College and has managed to

18 year old guy kicked out of home at 15 year old in Chicago by uncaring Mother and left to fend entirely for himself. i.e. on the streets and still attending High School!  This kid needs help:

Kondratieff Rolls Along ...

Hey Folks,

Re: the complete wipe out of Retail - as we knew it for over a hundred years  - continues apace:

How will it end?

Well, you just have to go back and read what we wrote years ago.

It will end badly!!

My target back in 2009 for the end-times crash of the last three hundred years was 2022: and that still holds.

The Kondratireff Wave absolutely dictates that there will occur in the next very years an ultimate contraction that has been only delayed by the insane ZIRP  but will NOT be avoided!!

Read page one on our homepage to understand the FED's ZIRP and its perniciously destructive affects on USA economy.


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The Truth Seeps Out


Re: The world's poorest in the world's richest nation on earth?

Well, without citizen journalists such as shot this horrifying video of Downtown L.A., we would never hear, we would never see and we would never know!!

Ever wonder why these things are not covered in our MSM here in the Good 'Ol US of A??

Saturday, December 16, 2017

2016/17 Retail Requiem for Zombie Retailors

2016 Retail Requiem

2017 Retail Requiem - so far!  

This Christmas Season will prove to be a significant threshold for some Zombie Retailers, such as Sears, J.C. Penny, etc.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Truth Is Where You Find it ---- Seldom that is!

Every once in awhile the truth seeps out from the darkened, dank veil of BullS_t  promulgated by the MSM.

Here is a sample; there are many, many others, but you have to look!

Saturday, October 28, 2017

More Big Name Retailers Going Down

This Kondratieff Secular Wave promises to totally and completely remake America 's Retail Landscape.

The question now is, "Which Retailers will survive?

Following from:\

"...Those retailers on the secondary list were: Neiman Marcus (with a total outstanding loan balance of $2.8 billion), Academy Sports ($1.69 billion), J. Crew ($1.37 billion), Fullbeauty Brands ($1.17 billion), Savers Inc. ($679 million), Talbots ($585 million), Land’s End ($498.3 million), Bluestem Brands ($471.4 million), Spencer Spirit Holdings ($454 million), Cole Haan ($309 million) and Indra Holdings ($245 mil)..."

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Death of Retail -- it is the Kondratieff Wave Stupid!!!

Hey Folks,

Per our many warnings over the years, it is now becoming obvious to very nearly everybody that the Retail Landscape has forever changed in America.

View the visible carnage in Retail America at this article on Business Insider:

"...These haunting photos of the retail apocalypse reveal a new normal in America

Clothing strewn on the ground at a Manhattan JCPenney — a common sign at struggling retailers across the industry.Joe Avella
The retail apocalypse has descended on America.
More than 6,400 stores are expected to close across the country this year.
Department stores like Macy's, Sears, and JCPenney, and retailers including BCBG, Abercrombie & Fitch, and Bebe have decided to close dozens of stores.
Walking through a mall in 2017 is like walking through a graveyard.
Here's photographic evidence that a retail apocalypse is hitting the US hard.... "

The question now is what does it all mean?

And all the reputed experts are giving a myriad of reasons all of which are probably correct in a Meta or Micro analysis.

But by ignoring Secular Wave Cycles of consumption -  as driven by consumer confidence and enthusiasm - they are all totally missing the point in any competently structured Economic Analysis.

Namely, it is the Kondratieff Wave Stupid!!!