Thursday, December 19, 2013

It Ain't Just Detroit -- Folks!!

Latest posts have yielded many critiques from the blind among us, which is one reason that I cut way back on these Free Blogs earlier in the year.
BUT, in the interest of defending my very recent posts, here is a response to those of you who, stated:

“OH man, everyone knows Detroit is in trouble, but the rest of the country ain’t that bad!”

And, second of all, please remember that you (and the rest of the world) have only experienced the FIRST OF THREE WAVES of the Super Tsunami Kondratieff Long-Waves!!!
And I talk to people all over this country every day, and I assure you that the economy is every bit as bad, and in fact much, worse than I and others think that it is!

However, there are currently very isolated HotSpots associated with the Bakken Oil Field, Fracking and reemerging Real Estate mania that will END VERY BADLY in the 2nd Wave of the Super Tsunami Kondratieff Long- Waves!!!

And, I clearly predicted the new RE Mania 3 years ago, that is completely phony, because it is entirely based on still too high RE prices, and nobody having anywhere to put their money to work with the FED’s insanely structured ZIRP, except collectable cars and RE and Stocks!!

Don’t you guys get what the FED has been doing --  yet?

And, Please, read all my many earlier posts on this insanely ignited RE phenomena that will only seem to be a rally in prices, BUT will not be so in inflation adjusted terms, with the real inflation rate right now raging between 7% to 13% per year and soon to explode.

And as for Fracking!!  

<Mark my words!!  This is a huge gamble and a disastrous environmental nightmare in the making propagated by Greedy Big Oil, which I do address in my paid for updates, i.e. HINT, HINT --buy water companies and companies that can address the new wave of huge earthquakes soon to rock this country, and anywhere else that engages in this totally insane and truly bizarre drilling and extractive technique that will end many things as we think we knew them!

Am I a Cassandra?

Am I a hopelessly hide-bound and negatively biased Cassandra?

Well, before you guys answer that, How about reading the following observations about the Macro-economic events of the last five years from someone who just might know a lot more about these things than YOU?

This is from today’s Opinion page of the New York Times.

I severely edited this and, therefore, give you the URL for the full article, because the NYT is so very sensitive about what they consider to be outright copying of their otherwise worthless Mind Drivel.

However, as I have admitted in the past, to Cover their A_ses, the MSM will often print quite helpful and accurate articles.

Here follows one – IMO!!

Op-Ed Contributor

Stumbling Toward the Next Crash

Published: December 18, 2013
LONDON — In early October 2008, three weeks after the Lehman Brothers collapse, I met in Paris with leaders of the countries in the euro zone. Oblivious to the global dimension of the financial crisis, they took the view that if there was fallout for Europe, America would be to blame — so it would be for America to fix. I was unable to convince them that half of the bundled subprime-mortgage securities that were about to blow up had landed in Europe and that euro-area banks were, in fact, more highly leveraged than America’s.
Despite the subsequent decision of the Group of 20 in 2009 on the need for rules to supervise what is now a globally integrated financial system, world leaders have spent the last five years in retreat, ….
The economist David Miles, who sits on the monetary policy committee of the Bank of England, may exaggerate when he forecasts financial crises every seven years, but most of the problems that caused the 2008 crisis — excessive borrowing, shadow banking and reckless lending — have not gone away. Too-big-to-fail banks have not shrunk; they’ve grown bigger. Huge bonuses that encourage reckless risk-taking by bankers remain the norm. ….
………… (I deleted roughly 70% of  this article, to avoid the charge of utilizing copyrighted material, which you guys should in fact go and read:  IF, you want to understand in some detail exactly why another and huger and much more devastating CRASH is imminent in roughly winter 2015/16 to summer fall of 2016)……… 
In short, precisely what world leaders sought to avoid — a global financial free-for-all, enabled by ad hoc, unilateral actions — is what has happened. Political expediency, a failure to think and act globally, and a lack of courage to take on vested interests are pushing us inexorably toward the next crash.
Gordon Brown, a Labour member of the British Parliament, is a former chancellor of the Exchequer and prime minister.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What Destruction? you have asked? Look at this!!

In my last post, I noted that the Super Tsunami Kondratieff  Long-Waves are bringing on a period of Creative Destruction.

Now I received many inquiries that asked,  "What Destruction are you referring to?"

To which I replied, "The destruction of this once vibrant and expansively exciting American economy, from sea to shining sea!"

You see, by the time I was eighteen, I  had lived in nine states from Alaska to Florida; and back then, the 50's and 60's, all of America had a sense of buoyant and boundless enthusiasm.

For broad swaths of America that sense of positive, enthusiastic energy filled optimism is DEAD!

Look at this photographic montage of Detroit and then be aware that these photos could be shot tomorrow in any one of hundreds of cities and towns all across this land!

This montage presents the face of DESTRUCTION!

In my update I will address the Creative aspect of this phenomenon.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Revised Update to all things in a couple of weeks!!

Well, Hello folks.  How have you all been?

We have been run ragged with a full portfolio of projects.

Given that all of our projections and predictions going back to March of 2009 and the fall of 2011 are ordained by the facts on the ground, we have not had to update anything since our last post of several months ago.

#1 Fed is still cranking their FMMM (Fed Magic Money Machine),
#2 Fed is now joined by all Central Banks of the world (especially BOJ) in a stealth and secretively executed Currency War Of The Ages
#3 Therefore, for Americans and American companies -- understanding our economic landscape is of critical importance,
#4 So, Dow Jones still headed toward 21,500 in spring to summer of 2016,
#5 Short-term Gold still headed toward $930 per ounce in summer of 2014, and then $3,000 to $7,000 per ounce in 2016 to 2019,
#6 American economy still contracting at roughly 3 to 7%, when one calculates the GDP correctly by incorporating the real inflation rate of 7 to 13% -- for those things that Americans need to buy to live, (apparently that does not include anything that the US CD measures!),
#7 All American companies should be peddle to metal to meet the demand of the resuscitated and blind sheeple DCBF's (Debt Crazed Buying Fanatics) over the coming 7 to 9 quarters, but for only certain industry and market segments that we clearly identify for our paying clients.

So, in the upcoming update every one of our projections will stay the same -- except that we are raising the Dow Jones target to roughly 22,500 in the spring to summer of 2016.

Remember folks,  the FED just telegraphed that some form of the QE's will probably remain in force for the next decade!

And in the upcoming  update we will cover the very real opportunities that  exist in this market that are being missed by the majority of companies.

Namely, due to the ongoing and raging Kondratieff Long-Waves (we are still only in the trough between the first and second of three waves), we are all in a period of Creative Destruction that will persist for the next twenty years at least, and apparently not one economist knows it, yet!

Now, on these free blogs we will not be too forthcoming, but will pull back the curtain on this just a bit, i.e. there do exist very real dynamics that afford every one and every company the chance to make Big Money, and to help many of the less fortunate and perceptive among us, over the next ten to twenty years!

Stay tuned!  

Ba DEE -- b DEE -- BaDEE --

That 's ALL Folks!  


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Read Future Headlines Now -- Dow Jones 21,500!!

Is it really possible that the Dow Jones will hit 21,500?


And not only is it really feasible that the Dow Jones can rise to the 21,500 level, BUT with the FMMM’s (FED’s Magic Money Machine) now completely ‘Peddle to the Metal’ and fully ‘open throttle’ and now joined by their insane accomplices at the BOJ and the ECB this upcoming ‘Stock Market Rally of the Ages’ (SMRA) is now absolutely ordained and, furthermore, is now  absolutely necessary; otherwise, all things economic will implode now, before the PTB (Powers That Be) are ready to fully exploit this once in a multi-generational opportunity to strip the ‘Sheeple’ of all they have!

So, for paying subscribers, we raised our Dow target to 21,500 from 18,500 several weeks ago!

And, we also, at that time, readjusted our targets for Gold.

Because we have been so unerringly right on these things, we have told all of you that read these free Blogs, paying subscribers are told of these things when we actually do them.

And we then post these timely updates to these free Blogs, later.

So, we will now post a Blog about all these things, shortly.

Stay tuned folks this is now getting very interesting!!

And are you and your company ramping up your inventory and product offerings to take advantage of the DCBF (Debt Crazed Buying Fanatics) amongst us gone absolutely mad and buying every discretionary, non-discretionary and consumable in sight -- with their Stock Market winnings over the next roughly seven quarters?

In fact, the Christmas buying season of 2014, with the Dow Jones roaring over 17,000, will be absolutely insane and the companies that have their inventory channels adequately stuffed with tasteless junk and garbage trinkets for the DCBF will absolutely clean up, BIG TIME!   

And, conversely, are you and your company getting ready to drastically reduce your inventory levels and product offerings in the 2015 time range, when the 'MOTHER OF ALL STOCK MARKET CRASHES' and the total implosion of the 'BOND BUBBLE' does congruently, completely and totally wipe out the 'Sheeple' for three generations?

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Real Reason for Cyprus Banking Fiasco

In our opinion the following article is a fairer representation of what is really happening in the Cyprus Bank fiasco than any you’ll find in MSM.

In addition, we have an even more jaundiced view of these things than others; namely,

#1 The EUCB wants to penalize BIG $ depositors in small countries and small banks and force them to deposit their money in the major EU (bankrupt) Banks to buttress their balance sheets,

#2 The US FED does actively participate in and contribute to these decisions by their ‘bedroom buddies’ the EUCB, because the additional fallout of this Cyprus event (and 40% to 60% outright theft of people’s money) will be that BIG $ will not only be forced to the Major EU banks, BUT they will be forced to the US BANKING SYSTEM with its own huge number of technically BANKRUPT BANKS; so that, their Balance Sheets can be rebuilt and then this new deposit money will create excess capital on their Balance Sheets, which they can then pump into the Stock Markets!!

Isn't That Cute?

And this is, yet, another reason that we are on the verge of setting a new target for the Dow Jones in 2015 of 20,500 -- rather than 18,500!

D0 you guys (especially BEARS on the stock markets) get it, YET?  

Don’t you think that is an elegant way to force funds flow where they are needed?


Cyprus bank bailout agreement is pure theft: 40% of private deposits to be looted from selected accounts

Monday, March 25, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of (See all articles...)

(NaturalNews) A brand new looting arrangement has been reached concerning Cypriot banks. It involves seizing the funds of all accounts over 100,000 euros, then stealing up to 40% of those funds sometime over the next few weeks, or whenever EU bureaucrats get around to deciding exactly how much to steal.

So instead of 10% being stolen from most accounts, as was originally proposed, the new deal is that 40% will be stolen from selected accounts, but not from accounts holding less than 100,000 euros. Why the 100,000 threshold for having your money stolen by the banking system? Because all EU bank accounts are insured up to 100,000 euros. So the banksters figured they could just steal anything over 100,000 and say, "Heh, it wasn't insured, your loss!"

IMF chief Christine Lagarde characterized the theft as "a lasting, durable and fully financed solution." And if that's not enough of a solution, they can always loot more private accounts to reach a new solution!

Sure, it's a great solution... if you're the banksters stealing all the money from private account holders. But from the point of view of depositors, this "solution" looks a lot more like a mugging.

Entire accounts seized indefinitely

It's actually worse than just the 40% being stolen from private accounts: all accounts over 100,000 euros are now indefinitely frozen (seized) until the banksters figure out exactly how much to steal. "Large deposits with Bank of Cyprus above the insured level will be frozen until it becomes clear whether or to what extent they will also be forced to take losses, the Eurogroup of finance ministers said in a statement." (USA Today)

Not everybody is fooled by all the bankster happy talk, of course. As Colm McCarthy writes on the website:

...the eurozone countries collectively do not have an actual deposit guarantee fund in place, and the volume of deposits in many eurozone countries, not just those already in financial distress, is large relative to the fiscal capacity of the state. Bank runs by retail depositors are a serious risk, particularly in those countries whose governments lack financial credibility.

And from Mats Persson of

The Eurozone set a risky precedent when it decided to go for depositors. Images of long queues outside ATMs will have registered in other parts of the Mediterranean. If Cypriot depositors are forced to pay today, why not Spaniards tomorrow? ...Events in Cyprus have shown just what a high-risk gamble the euro was... If you could design a system whereby a splinter could take down an elephant, this would be it.

No deposits are ever safe while the central banks are running things

The bottom line truth in all this is that no deposits are ever safe in any bank run by a government. Governments are inherently liars, and when it comes down to a crisis, it's always easier to just STEAL money from depositors and call it a "tax."

The business of banking, it seems, has largely become a business of theft. No wonder everybody's flocking to bitcoin, the decentralized crypto-currency that's not controlled by any government anywhere:

That's also why the Natural News Store has just announced it is now accepting bitcoin currency as payment for orders. Anyone with bitcoins can now buy prepared foods, superfoods, organics, supplements and much more, directly from the Natural News Store.

Another Smart Guy GETS IT!!

OK, here is another smart guy to add to the list of those that we listed on our home page that actually do see what is the only outcome possible of the endless series of ‘Bubbles’ that is directly caused by the FED’s 2001-2005 AZIRP (Almost Zero Interest Rate Policy) and the now forever ZIRP (Zero Interest Rate Policy). 

Unfortunately, this article has been used – IMO - by the MSM’s PORE (Psy-Ops Reporting & Editorializing) to further ‘Scare the Sh_t out of the ‘Sheeple’ (SSOS). 

For, IMO - this type of widespread visibility, publicity and ballyhoo is used by the MSM to serve a two-fold purpose:

#1 This coverage can be used in the future as evidence that the MSM attempted to cover all sides of the story,

#2  More importantly, its is used – IMO - to continue to SSOS and keep the ‘Sheeple’ out of stocks right now: for, it is actually planned by the PTB for the ‘Sheeple’ to enter the stock markets BIG TIME next year, when the market is over 16,000 and rocketing higher every day!


Doubt us?


Just watch!


Are you and your company ready the ensuing ‘Economic Roller Coaster’ ride of the last 360 years?

If your company is riding blind into the coming economic maelstrom, then yours is very likely – IMO - to join the list of companies bankrupted by only the first of three waves in 2007/08 of the Super Tsunami ‘Kondratieff’ Long-Waves that we listed at the bottom of our home page at wwww.polestarcomm. com.



Stockman Warns of Crash of Fed-Fueled Bubble Economy

Bloomberg; By Richard Rubin - Apr 1, 2013 10:43 AM ET
“The U.S. economy is in a bubble inflated by “phony money” from the Federal Reserve and will burst within a few years, warned David Stockman, who was budget director for President Ronald Reagan.
In an essay published yesterday in the New York Times (NYT), Stockman wrote that the Fed’s quantitative easing policies following the credit crisis have flooded stock markets with cash even while the “Main Street economy” remains weak. The combination, he wrote, is “unsustainable.”
David Stockman, who was budget director for U.S. President Ronald Reagan, is the author of “The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America,” which will be published April 2. Photographer: Douglas Healey/Bloomberg

April 1 (Bloomberg) -- David Stockman, former director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan, talks about the impact of Federal Reserve policy on financial markets and the outlook for the U.S. economy. Stockman, author of “The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America,” speaks with Betty Liu on Bloomberg Television's "In the Loop." (Source: Bloomberg)
 “When it bursts, there will be no new round of bailouts like the ones the banks got in 2008,” wrote Stockman, a former senior managing director at Blackstone Group LP (BX) and a former Republican congressman from Michigan. “Instead, America will descend into an era of zero-sum austerity and virulent political conflict, extinguishing even today’s feeble remnants of economic growth.”
Stockman, 66, is the author of “The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America,” which will be published tomorrow.
He rose to prominence during the early 1980s in the Reagan administration while pushing supply-side economics, which held that income tax cuts would boost economic growth and raise more revenue for the government.
… In an interview today on Bloomberg Television, Stockman said, “We’re borrowing money and burying the future generations in debt.”

‘State Wreck’

Among the culprits Stockman blamed for what he termed a “state-wreck” are President Franklin Delano Roosevelt for weakening the gold standard in 1933, President Richard Nixon for removing the convertibility of dollars to gold and “lapsed hero” Alan Greenspan, the former Fed chairman, for keeping interest rates too low for too long.
Investors will sell, Stockman wrote, at any hint that the Fed is starting to remove assets from its balance sheet.
“Notwithstanding Bernanke’s assurances about eventually, gradually making a smooth exit, the Fed is domiciled in a monetary prison of its own making,” he wrote, warning of unsustainable fiscal policies as well. “These policies have brought America to an end-stage metastasis. The way out would be so radical it can’t happen.” …”

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sheeple Oblivious To The Obvious

(Edit 3/20/2018!! ----I have received a bunch of recent emails criticizing this post which predicted a Stock Market Crash in 2015!!!!
Do any of you idiots who sent these emails ever read these Blogs sequentially??
As regular readers know, I was forced by the stupid FED's moving its ZIRP (Zero Interest Rate Policy) ever forward, to:
Change the target for that Market Crash at least EIGHT TIMES!!!
It now stands at roughly October 2022!!
Good Grief!!
Read all these Blogs before criticizing!!)

The PORE (Psy Ops Reporting & Editorializing) of the FV (Funny Vision) business channels is now approaching such an obvious stage of outright manipulation of the ‘Sheeple,’ that even they should be able to see it.

But, they don’t!

Because they are now completely oblivious to the obvious that does surround them at every intersect of their self-induced delusional Matrix.

I have watched CNBC every morning for years and get a great many laughs and enjoyment from watching the parade of ‘Pumpkin Heads’ spouting their ‘mind drivel’ that is passed off as intellectually based analysis of the current economic environment.

After all, there is absolutely no mystery to the correct analysis of these markets:

#1 The FED has committed itself, with its insane ZIRP, to forcing interest rates all along the ‘yield curve’ to absolutely unheard of and completely unsustainable low levels.  BUT, the ‘Sheeple’ fail to recognize that these low levels only apply to and benefit the banks, i.e. the banks are the only ones that get money at these rates and they are the only ones that pay money out at these rates, while the ‘Sheeple’ very often can not borrow any money and when they do manage to negotiate and get a loan, they pay exorbitant and usurious rates, compared to what the banks just got that money at. 

This phenomenally and righteously beneficial scheme to the banks is the result of …

#2 the FED has now committed itself to buying all the useless and worthless packages of bad mortgages and bad debts ($83,000,000,000 every month) from the Bad Banks at very nearly par; even though those same banks would only get 10 to 30 cents on the dollar, if they were forced to sell those same Mortgage packages on the open market,

#3 the FED has now committed itself to buying all the useless and worthless US Treasuries; thus, creating the largest and most insane ‘Debt Monetization Campaign’ in the history of the world, 

#4 The end result of all the above is that money in the form of ‘Fiat Currencies’ is now worth less and less and less and less every day until they will all be totally worthless, but this inexorable process is hidden from the ‘Sheeple’ by the totally insanely low inflation numbers reported by the US CD.

Therefore, the ‘Sheeple’ are absolutely forced by these dynamics to buy anything that will retain the value of their dollars.

And one of those alternatives to money in the bank, which is now a losing proposition, is to buy common stocks.

And the PORE of the FV business channels is pouring on the fuel of their psychological conditioning campaign to further the certainty of the ‘Sheeple’s’ eventually buying the, now historically, vastly over-priced common stocks, via antics such as the following:

For the last several weeks every morning on CNBC, the ‘lead-in’ that precedes the return to regular programming after the commercial break has been:

“Every Morning The Markets TAAAAKE OFFFFFFFF!

and CNBC is here to…” 

Then proceeds their ‘mind drivel’ of the day which should actually be, in our opinion, something like, (no quotation marks surround following, because this is what they should say, if they were honest - IMO);    

is here … to feed you stupid ‘Sheeple’ complete and unadulterated BULLSH_T, until you are all so crazed with continually losing money in your bond funds and bank accounts, that you FINALLY GO OUT AND BY THESE STUPIDLY OVER-PRICED COMMON STOCKS!!!!!

Unfortunately, subscribers to our service and readers of these free Blogs do have an inkling of what will then ensue!

Are you and your company ready for the next extremely tumultuous years of complete insanity, just before the ‘Mother of ALL STOCK MARKET CRASHES’ does end this monkey show in roughly the fall of 2015?

Monday, March 25, 2013

Congruent Confluence Is Now Undeniably Obvious

Our Blog of March the 14th has caused so many questions from readers of these free Blogs that we offer the following elucidations:

Our projections about the economy, the markets and the general devolution of this Once Great Constitutional Republic (it was NEVER a Democracy as the founders back in 1776 realized such a form of government would prove totally unworkable) have been right on since 2001 and especially so since March 16, 2009; and all our projections are based on a foundational concept of Post Neo-Classical Physics that we then utilized to formulate ‘Kondratieff Wave Harmonics’ (KWH).

Our discovery of KWH was an unexpected byproduct of a simple analysis that started with our examination of the associated physical phenomena found to be coincidental with the ‘Kondratieff’ Long-Waves, way back with the perceived, and hugely dismal, failure of the ‘Kondratieff’ Long-Wave to appear in roughly 1982 to 1984. 

At that time we discovered three separate waves per Super Cycle and identified the secular influences that delayed its appearance on schedule with Kondratieff’s original findings. 

 So, on the 14th past we have pulled back the veil, just a bit, on these esoteric things, after many inquiries regarding the foundation of our Quite amazingly accurate KWH’s projections (see our Blog of 3/14/13).

And now from the metaphysical and Extraterrestrial elements of KWH, to all the human elements (this human element is a seemingly mysteriously secret thing; that is, for Classical Physicists that do deny ZPE Physics), things are congruently coming into space and time confluence.

So, here follows an article in which the panicked and quite DUMB Bernanke is falling right into line with our KWH projections of these things, as his newly issued projections are in total congruence with our verbal projections of many years past and with our written projections on this Blog starting in the fall of 2011. 

And he doesn’t have the faintest clue that he, with his totally insane ZIRP (Zero Interest Rate Policy), is merely following a script that is now ordained, with an horrific end in store for us all, but most especially for the unprepared.

Hang on Folks! 


This is going to be a lot of fun for those individuals and companies on the right side of this ‘Roller Coaster Ride to HELL!’

Fed sticks to 6.5% jobless rate forecast by 2015

Wall Street Journal; WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) Greg Robb - The Federal Reserve latest forecast still doesn't expect the unemployment rate to fall below the threshold for a rate hike until 2015, according to a summary of the central bank's latest projections released Wednesday. The Fed has said it would keep interest rates at ultra-low levels so long as the jobless rate was above 6.5%, …"


And, then we have the following insipid bit of 'mind drivel' from a complete idiot!

The leader of the House Republicans reveals that there is no debt problem with interest rates at ZERO!!! 

Now in the following article does this ‘Bone Head’ Boehner actually believe that the FED can maintain its ZIRP for ever?

What ‘Bone Head’ fails to recognize is that the ‘Sheeple’ are socking away money, because they are scared SH_TLESS and don’t know what else to do!”

But what no one does recognize yet; is that, these very same ‘Sheeple’ will be buying common stocks like true frenzied idiots in a year or so, when the DOW JONES does pass 16,500 on its way to 18,000!

Incidentally, we are right now on the verge of raising our DOW target to 21,500!

Are you and your company ready for the ensuing madness and insanity that will roil all markets and utterly destroy this country’s economy in just  a couple of years.


Boehner Declaring No Debt Crisis Revealed in Lending Data

Bloomberg; By Susanne Walker - Mar 25, 2013 10:20 AM ET
"The bear market in bonds is being delayed by Americans socking away money at 50 times the rate at which they take on debt to buy houses, cars and other items.
The amount U.S. households have in bank deposits, savings bonds, fixed-income mutual-funds and municipal securities increased $500 billion last year, equaling the most since 2007, according to FTN Financial, based on Federal Reserve data, while net household debt increased $10 billion, the least since 2005, as the economy grows slower than historically. …
Consumers have kept up the trend into 2013, according to strategists at FTN, helping to prevent a selloff in Treasuries and other debt assets after average annual gains of 6.3 percent since 2008. That helps explain while even as Congress debates ways to reduce record budget deficits exceeding $1 trillion, politicians such as President Barack Obama to House Speaker John Boehner say the U.S. doesn’t face an immediate debt crisis. …”

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Confusing The 'Sheeple'

Edit 4/25/18:

OK!! Here we go again with people in 2018 complaining and laughing at these predictions.

Hey Folks, these predictions from 2013 were quite necessarily extended over six times by the foolish and panicked FED extending their ZIRP that many times from March of 2013:  they had already extended it multiple times before that.

 And these things were covered Ad nauseam on my - now destroyed - website and on this BLOG!!

Therefore, these predictions of Dow etc., etc, are all still ahead of us; and were extended out to 2022-25 for the Mother of All Stock Market Crashes 

Meaning the Dow Jones is still headed to 36,000; but I am on the verge of raising that ultimate Dow Jones target, as well!!

Do any of you guys read these Blogs sequentially!!

The Fed's Zirp being extended each of those One must remember that the MSM’s primary goal is to confuse the ‘Sheeple’ to keep them ‘off balance’ and out of the right investments and fully invested in the wrong investments.

Therefore, the following article is prima fascia evidence of this little understood or even recognized ‘Deep Matrix’ goal of the MSM PORE (Psy Ops Reporting and Editorializing).


After having read this morning’s fine piece of journalistic mind-numbing PORE, the ‘Sheeple’ are sure to have been totally screwed up and have a headache and have absolutely no idea of the correct understanding of what it is that is coming at them.

This article is so full of misinformation, that my rebuttal was running to more than four full pages, when I just decided to stop giving out so much vital information to those who read these free pages. 

If you want to know the truth, go to our contact page at and sign up.

Basically it boils down to this:

Inflation of prices for everything that people need to buy to live is, RIGHT NOW, ratcheting up at roughly 7.5 to 11% per annum, and entities such as the US CD are reporting totally false numbers of 1.5 to 2.25% rates of inflation to keep the ‘Sheeple’ STUPID, BLIND and HAPPY.

And the most astounding thing is that the US CD and the FED’s strategy of lying to and deceiving the ‘Sheeple’ is actually working!

And such lies also keep the ‘Sheeple’ from realizing that their economy is devolving and actually dying, because with a real inflation rate of 7.5 to 11% the real GDP is actually SHRINKING at a rate of roughly 5 to 7% per year.

And you guys in business know this to be true, and our subscribers know it too. 

And they know from reading our Updates that it is neither inflation nor deflation that is in all our futures:

Rather, it is an ‘Inflationary Depression’ that is being ushered in by the ‘Kondratieff.’

And the hugely devastating second wave of the Super Tsunami ‘Kondratieff’ long-Waves is soon to be upon us, with the ’Mother of All Stock Market Crashes’ in roughly October of 2015.

Are you and your company ready with the proper mix of product offering, inventory control and pricing strategy to meet the ‘Roller Coaster’ effects of the coming economic tumults associated with the ‘Kondratieff’s’ vicious unwinding of the FED’s insane and completely unsustainable ZIRP?

If your company is not so prepared (or diligently preparing), then I am quite sure that your company will be joining the list of those who were unprepared for the first wave of the ‘Kondratieff’ back in 2007/08, that we list on the bottom of our homepage.

Why Global Economies Face an Age of Deflation

Bloomberg; By A. Gary Shilling Mar 20, 2013 6:30 PM ET
“In recent years, monetary and fiscal stimulus across the world have led to the assumption that serious inflation, if not hyperinflation, is on its way. I believe chronic deflation is more likely.
The expectation of rising prices is reasonable. Most people have only experienced inflation. The last meaningful episode of deflation was in the 1930s. That’s also the last time the U.S. was truly at peace. Deflation is a peacetime phenomenon. …
Furthermore, we tend to have biases that cloud our perception of inflation. When we pay higher prices, we think inflation is at work, but we believe lower prices are a result of our smart shopping and bargaining skills.

Consumer Prices

Even though deflation has been forestalled in the past decade, disinflation -- declining rates of inflation -- has prevailed since the early 1980s. Indeed, the consumer-price index fell in November and December and was unchanged in January. For February, the cost of living in the U.S. was up 0.7 percent, the first increase in four months and the biggest since June 2009. Nonetheless, expectations for inflation over the next 10 years are for a continued drop.
Deleveraging: In a normal economy, chronic deflation would already be well established. Our global economy, however, is dominated by deleveraging in the private sector and financial institutions, and is highly deflationary…

Savings Rate

In the years ahead, I expect the half-percentage-point annual drop in the savings rate to be replaced by a one- percentage-point annual gain. This would slice 1.5 percentage points off consumer-spending gains as well as GDP growth, after multiplier effects are accounted for. That alone would drop aggregate growth to 2.2 percent from the 3.7 percent annual increases in the period from 1982 to 2000.
Other Deflationary Forces: Fertility rates are below the replacement level of 2.1 in most industrialized countries, and populations around the world are aging….
Deflation also is a result of the huge gap between U.S. annual real GDP and its potential long-term trend growth. Excess supply is the root cause of deflation. Declining real median household income, even in this recovery, is depressing consumer- spending power. …

Competitive Devaluations

Competitive devaluations are now a serious threat to global growth and cooperation, as shown by the actions of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s new government in Japan.
In periods of prolonged economic pain, notably the global recession of 2007-2009 and the subpar revival that has followed, international cooperation gives way to an every-nation-for- itself attitude that often takes the form of protectionism. Many countries are now pursuing competitive devaluations to spur exports via a cheaper currency and to impede imports. …
Commodity Deflation: On balance, commodity prices have been falling since early 2011. They will continue to drop, …
As for crude oil, I believe the “peak oil” devotees are far too pessimistic. High prices are the best predictor of increasing supply. …
Wage and Income Deflation: The continuing decline in purchasing power produced by shrinking real wages and real incomes is also putting downward pressure on prices. Nominal pay is dropping, too. …

Labor Power

… More states are passing right-to-work laws, which allow employees in unionized workplaces to opt out of paying union dues. …
 Municipal governments are under pressure to cut costs. Local tax collection is subdued because of earlier declines in property assessments and taxes, which account for 79 percent of revenue. …
 In response, many states continue to cut spending and jobs. Labor costs, which account for half of state and local spending, are being targeted …
(A. Gary Shilling is president of A. Gary Shilling & Co. and the author of “The Age of Deleveraging: Investment Strategies for a Decade of Slow Growth and Deflation.” The opinions expressed are his own. This is the first in a five-part series. Read Part 2.)

Monday, March 18, 2013

Cyprus and EU Problems ALL Solved!

We published a Blog back on December the 16th of 2011 that revealed just how the ‘EU of Lunatic Banksters’  (EUoLB) would solve all their problems.

That is, they will now copy the antics of the United States Federal Reserve over the last forty years of totally insane Debt creation and redenominate all sovereign debt into the same type of ‘Dead Mule Raffle Tickets’ (DMRT’s) that have been sold by the US Treasury for the last fifty one years.

Oh, but there is just a slight little twist to this unfolding horror show in Euroland, that you can read about at the end of this Blog, if you are at all curious of things to come here. 

For the secrets of the Cyprus solution that will soon be unveiled to all the world's Sheeple, read our Blog on this from 2011, as follows;

Polestar Blog of December 16, 2011:

The US Government has known for years that the really BIG BUCKS (as in Dollars) are in 'Mule Trading!'

Back in January of 19 & 64 Curtis & Leroy saw an ad in the Starkville Daily in Starkville, MS. and bought a mule for $100.
The farmer agreed to deliver the mule the next day.
The next morning the farmer – a distant relative of President Johnson, who was in a heated battle to push through his “War on Poverty” and a whole  slugfest of Social Programs and to enlarge that little war in South East Asia - drove up and said, "Sorry, fellows, I have some bad news, the mule died last night."

Curtis &Leroy replied,"
Well, then just give us our money back."

The farmer said,
"Can't do that. I went and spent it already."

They said, "OK then, just bring us the dead mule."

The farmer asked, "What in the world ya'll gonna do with a dead mule?"

Curtis said, "We gonna raffle him off."

The farmer said, "You can't raffle off a dead mule!"

Leroy said, "We shore can! Heck, we don't hafta tell nobody he's dead!"

A couple of weeks later, the farmer ran into Curtis & Leroy at the Piggly Wiggly grocery store and asked.

"What'd you fellers ever do with that dead

They said,"We raffled him off like we said we wuz gonna do.."
Leroy said,"Shucks, we sold 500 tickets fer two dollars
apiece and made a profit of $898."

The farmer said,"My Lord, didn't anyone complain?"
Curtis said, "Well, the feller who won got upset. So we gave him his two dollars back."
Well the farmer told his brother, who told his Uncle, who told his Brother, who told his second cousin, who told President Johnson about Curtis and Leroy and the outcome of their “Mule Raffle!”

They were immediately brought to Washington DC and worked for the President Johnson in crafting and redrafting his proposals to Congress on ALL His Miraculous Social Programs and that 'little' war; that, “… would cost nobody nuthin, or next to Nuthin!”

And they have worked on everything else passed by the government of this type; until their ‘passing’ in 1994.

But, their sons – Clyde and Bubba – took their place under President Clinton and have been there ever since.

And they're - right now - overseeing the Bailout Program & Social Security & they were brought in by Bernanke back in March of 09, when the FED Balance Sheet exploded from $800 Billion to $2.7 Trillion. And they are working overtime on QE 3 (already started in November with $39,600,000,000 to 'kick' the equity markets, see yesterday's Blog and our Home page) and on QE4 and on QE5 and on QE6, as well, because their talents will be in huge demand when the FED's Balance Sheet goes into the Multi-Trillions of Dollars and Wendy's burgers go to $27 and bread to $15 a loaf and a gallon of gasoline to $12.50!

In fact - just like their fathers - they plan on working in Washington DC, until they die; just like all their peers who actually can't afford to retire, see Blog of 11/17.

And now they are being called to Europe!

Mdm. LaGarde @ the IMF has just requested Clyde and Bubba to fly over and become her “Super-Special Advisors.”  She is quite positive that with their input the European Sovereign Debt Crisis can be totally solved, thus setting the stage for the “Great Deception of 2012," covered in some detail in our Blogs of 11/14,11/18, 11/21& 11/24!

Are you and your company ready for the last big surge in consumer spending next year, BEFORE the only the second of three Super 'Tsunami' “Kondratieff” Long-Wave engulfs all the world.  

And that will happen because the "Great Deception of 2012" is doomed to be swamped in the 'Inflationary Explosion' that is even now ordained by Bernanke's insanely mandated ZIRP that will create even worse economic misallocations, dislocations and commodity inflation than did Greenspan's AZIRP do to Real Estate.  Incidentally, Greenspan's lunacy was prompted by none other than Bernanke.
For exact timing of these things, your company should subscribe to our Market Review and Updates.

To the above insane practices, by which a Central Banking authority can avoid recognizing its mistaken polices, the Banksters in Cyprus over this week-end added a newly horrific tool of the Devil, e.g. outright confiscation of 10% of all Bank Deposits!

Now, what a perfectly ingenious idea that is!

Why if the very same policies were implemented in this country, then the US Federal Government could instantly enrich themselves by roughly $150,000,000,000 or 10% of roughly $1,500,000,000,000 in deposits of all Americans!  I am actually not sure of the liquid Dollars on all bank deposits, but I will attempt to find out.

However, this is simply not enough to solve our problems for more than 2 and ½ months!

So, I would think that a much more elegant and successful act of financial legerdemain would be to confiscate 15% of all assets of all Americans!

Now that would yield the US Government roughly 15% of $51,000,000,000,000 or $7,700,000,000,000 and that would solve our yearly deficits of roughly $1,500,000,000,000 for roughly 4 and ½ years!

Why, I think I’ll call the White House right now as this, would be THE SOLUTION --- with the FINAL SOLUTION yet to come when the US Government could confiscate the other 85% of all wealth of all Americans.

I mean, after all, according to President Obama, it is not their’s anyway, is it?