Thursday, February 27, 2020

What Now ?

Howdy Folks,

Everybody is ONLY NOW ringing my bell, and my chain, and my  phone, and my email account!

Re: After my BLACK SWAN Alert!!! of February 2nd, where are the markets headed  >>> now after four rough days up to today @ noon on 2/27/20?

I never say or write anything without good evidence.

And history is the best indicator I know of!

Go look at a forty year chart and view the Gold Bubble of 1981; and then view the Nikkei Bubble of 1990; and then view the Thailand Bubble of 1992/93; and then view the Tech Bubble of 2000; and then view the US Housing Bubble of 2007; and then view the China Bubble of 2008; and then view the Biotech Bubble of 2016; and then LOOK AT THIS BUBBLE of the last eleven years?

What do you see?

So, where are we?

IMO - This is the 2nd wave of three of the Three Hundred Year Kondratieff Super Cycle that I have warned about for the last many years.

And we are just now going over a cliff: so, just as my BLACK SWAN ALERT!! of 2/2/20 was meant to imply: sell all stocks and get 5% or 10% in the very longest term short ETF or option positions, and own some little bit of gold, and PRAY fervently and humbly (regarding the Covid19) to the only God and his Son, Jesus Christ! 

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Alert! ALERT!!

Black Swan!!

Added Monday: I need say nothing more at the moment!

Other than everybody should have 5% in very longterm shorts; e.g. options.

Never short any stock directly: the PTB are intent on elevating this market and you can get killed like >> the shorters of Tesla!