I played at the guitar for years and years, and, thereof, know something of those who can Plaaaay the guitar!!
This man had a soul!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veOPrDAGLqE >> Min 3:00 -- 3:41 :>)) ++ 5:30 >> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guitars can only Si ' iiinnng in the hands of just a very, very few! And those hands are of men with souls such as you may deny to your detriment!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQ4REYdCkTw .>>> min 5:50!!!!!
And remember Bach and Mozart both claimed to not have written their music alone: they claimed to have been given the music!
And the same for Van Gogh's paintings and Tesla's discoveries; including AC Electric Current without which we would not be communicating very much or very far today, since Edisons' DC Current was limited to two or three or, maybe, four miles necessitating huge transformers everywhere; what a royal mess that would have been!!!!!!!!
And the same for all those who can accurately prophesy; where, accurately is the operatively essential word under consideration!!

The last full blown Kondratieff Long-Wave contraction occurred in the 30's. The next Kondratieff Long-Wave finally commenced in 2007-08, after being delayed by several foolish and ultimately unsuccessful interdictions of the US Monetary and Fiscal authorities. Its reemergence is now ordained with the FED's insanely structured ZIRP! Therefore, the Kondratieff's full impact is due to reassert itself in the next 18 to 36 months. If you want to know more: go to, www.polestarcomm.com
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Get ready for The Mark Of the Beast*!!
Hey folks,
So you thought I was NUTZ about the imminent appearance of the Mark of the beast in the following blog from last August??
Well view the following video and think!!!
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Remember my blogs on Bitcoin/CryptoCurrencies/fiat money??
CryptoCurrencies Coming, BUT not ...
The ones you expect!!!
There are many twists and turns coming; and they will not be good for you!
With negative interests rates in the works >>> Fiat folding money will be subtracted from your coming life!
Get ready for The Mark Of the Beast*!!
*Revelation 13
For, the times they are a changing and all your foundations are blowin in the wind!!
ExcIItin times are a'cumin!!
Thursday, October 17, 2019
California Nightmare Grows increasingly problematic
Gooo' Moore'nin
Do you remember my prior posts on Earthquakes!
Why did I start making these predictions?
Well stay tuned to the revelation that these latest rounds are now precipitated by a truly disastrous and foolish geologic insanity that is understood by very few.
Any guesses out there?
Hint: you can see the insanity on Google!
Headlines from prior posts
Saturday, July 6, 2019
Californication EQs set Atheists Crying for GOD!
Re: Atheists are arrogant lying cowards who when scared, cry out "GOD!" or "Oh, God!"
Now, for reasons not yet stated (think, relevant activity on Ring of Fire), I put up two recent blogs - one just before the 6.4 - on the rising probability of Earthquakes in Californication.
Well, supporting my point on atheists calling out for God when panic-stricken, go and listen to the many videos on You Tube of those recording in real time during the recent Earthquakes in Californication!
And you will hear what I have heard.
Sunday, September 23, 2018
May God* be getting ready to clean things up in California?
Re: May God* be getting ready to clean things up in California?
For, West of the San Andreas Fault in the Pacific Ocean is the Catalina Basin at over a mile in depth ** just awaiting the reception of all Los Angeles (and Hollyweird) -- to a great homecoming with destiny.
And this great ordained earthquake could be immediately preceded by Catalina Island sinking in the Pacific and thus generating a new great Volcanic Eruption and resultant Great Tsunami to finish the job on the California Coast.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
MSM is now going to RampDown Talk of War with Iran
G'Mornin UU - SSss - AAAAAA,
Re: MSM is now going to be allowed to RampDown Talk of War with Iran
And "Exactly Why is this going to happen now?" you might ask.
Well think about what I have been writing for many years (on my destroyed website) and on this blog for the last several years >>> and most especially in the last few posts.
And I will come back and give you the correct answer in a few days.
For the more prescient out there and for those who have been reading these blogs for years, The answer to the above question should be patently obvious.
P.S. The secret to this riddle is hidden in the numbers.
But the numbers of what? you may ask.
Stay Tuned!
Re: MSM is now going to be allowed to RampDown Talk of War with Iran
And "Exactly Why is this going to happen now?" you might ask.
Well think about what I have been writing for many years (on my destroyed website) and on this blog for the last several years >>> and most especially in the last few posts.
And I will come back and give you the correct answer in a few days.
For the more prescient out there and for those who have been reading these blogs for years, The answer to the above question should be patently obvious.
P.S. The secret to this riddle is hidden in the numbers.
But the numbers of what? you may ask.
Stay Tuned!
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Addendum: Why - IMO - No War with Iran
Hey Folks,
Re: Why no War with Iran.
For many months I have been writing that there will be no War with Iran, despite all the War Mongering opinions from Arm Chair Warrior types promulgated by deceptively dishonest MSM BS artists!
So, to understand my position read the following very, very, very carefully; namely, can you imagine a US attack on Iran without absolute control of the skies in either the offensive or defensive theaters of action**?
Three Saudi Brigades were annihilated by the Yemenis in this attack in Saudi Arabia, after the Saudi Air Cover had been neutralized by drone attacks:
** The brass in Cent-Com or the Pentagon are not stupid.
Re: Why no War with Iran.
For many months I have been writing that there will be no War with Iran, despite all the War Mongering opinions from Arm Chair Warrior types promulgated by deceptively dishonest MSM BS artists!
So, to understand my position read the following very, very, very carefully; namely, can you imagine a US attack on Iran without absolute control of the skies in either the offensive or defensive theaters of action**?
Three Saudi Brigades were annihilated by the Yemenis in this attack in Saudi Arabia, after the Saudi Air Cover had been neutralized by drone attacks:
** The brass in Cent-Com or the Pentagon are not stupid.
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