Saturday, August 24, 2019

Remember my blogs on Bitcoin/CryptoCurrencies/fiat money??


CryptoCurrencies Coming, BUT not ...

The ones you expect!!!

There are many twists and turns coming; and they will not be good for you!

With negative interests rates in the works >>> Fiat folding money will be subtracted from your coming life!

Get ready for The Mark Of the Beast*!!


*Revelation 13

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Addendum >> Why there will be No War with Iran on Horizon

Hey Folks  

Re: Why there will be no War with Iran.

To understand why, Ya'll should be reading All the News That's Fit to Read in the real media!

And then think!

This war hysteria with Iran ever since 1994 reminds me ever so much of 1953  >> 1959.

Americans in that time frame were barraged with PsyOps news in their MSM!!

To whit:  "War with China!!! War with China!!!! 

"The Chinese Reds are set to invade the Islands of Quemoy and Matsu, and then its Taiwan   >>>>  and then its Alaska and Seattle!!

"There will be WAR, WAR, WAAAAR!!!!"

At the same time the US was exploding its Nuclear Bombs just south of us (I was in Reno) in Nevada -- almost every other week!!

And in K through the 4th grade in both Nevada and California (I lived in both in that time-frame) we were undergoing Duck and Cover Drills every Week; and we kiddies were forced to watch the Nuclear Immolation Movies every month or so; they were made especially to scare the shit out of us, and make us forget about God.

For, if we were all going TO BE IMMOLATED next week then there could simply be no GOD!!!!
I have come to believe that War hysteria is the life blood of this country's MIC.*

Don't you guys get it yet??

Forget about all the WAR Hysteria Shit and go buy stocks because the Dow Jones is going to the moon!!!

