Howdy Folks,
Re: 7/31/19 Fed Speek FBO Sheople
I was just listening to the Fed Chairman, and I really feel sorry for him as he obfuscates, lies and generally is untruthful on his remarks and on ALL his answers to really slow and soft ball questions.
This guy is really in a jam because IF the Fed told the truth as it is, then: ALL the Sheople would become even more panicked than the Fed Governors are.
I will have much more on this later; but I am just too tied up in more important things.
PS Just about ready to raise Dow Jones target from 36,000 to something higher; and this rejig higher would be intimately tied into what Fed chairman is saying today -- between the lines.
You should be thinking about what I apparently see that no one is reporting yet!!
Hint: What asset classes should be used by FED to support their ZIRP (Zero Interest Rate Policy) driven Bubble Economy?
Any ideas out there?

The last full blown Kondratieff Long-Wave contraction occurred in the 30's. The next Kondratieff Long-Wave finally commenced in 2007-08, after being delayed by several foolish and ultimately unsuccessful interdictions of the US Monetary and Fiscal authorities. Its reemergence is now ordained with the FED's insanely structured ZIRP! Therefore, the Kondratieff's full impact is due to reassert itself in the next 18 to 36 months. If you want to know more: go to,
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Addendum to Blog on NO WAR on horizon = Stock Market explosion
Hey Folks,
Re: No War with Iran
I have had more than several criticisms of my June 29th Blog >>> asserting no War with Iran is imminent!
Well, the reasons you heard for Trump calling off a preemptive strike recently against Iran is BS in my opinion.
How about you guys read other sources of things going on in the world: and think LONG and HARD about the supposed military superiority of the USA -- up until recently -- that allowed us to go bomb everybody to Kingdom Come that we wished to!!
Happy Dreams to you all >>> 36,000 on the Dow Jones and higher coming to a FV* near you!
*FV = Funny Vision
Re: No War with Iran
I have had more than several criticisms of my June 29th Blog >>> asserting no War with Iran is imminent!
Well, the reasons you heard for Trump calling off a preemptive strike recently against Iran is BS in my opinion.
How about you guys read other sources of things going on in the world: and think LONG and HARD about the supposed military superiority of the USA -- up until recently -- that allowed us to go bomb everybody to Kingdom Come that we wished to!!
Happy Dreams to you all >>> 36,000 on the Dow Jones and higher coming to a FV* near you!
*FV = Funny Vision
Friday, July 19, 2019
Veil is Dropping > Apocalyptic American Pie?
Re: the Apocalyptic American Pie?
Listen VERY, VERY carefully!!!!!
When I was in the Army some of our marching cadences focused on:
Girl Friends, Mom, Chevys and Apple Pie.
Well you have all seen what we got for that!
My next post >> The FED is now totally panicked and this economy is totally F_cked!!
This is now getting near the apocalyptic conclusion of all things; and I'm lov'in it!!
P. S. BUT have no fear --Dow Jones is still on the way to 36,000 at least!
Re: the Apocalyptic American Pie?
Listen VERY, VERY carefully!!!!!
When I was in the Army some of our marching cadences focused on:
Girl Friends, Mom, Chevys and Apple Pie.
Well you have all seen what we got for that!
My next post >> The FED is now totally panicked and this economy is totally F_cked!!
This is now getting near the apocalyptic conclusion of all things; and I'm lov'in it!!
P. S. BUT have no fear --Dow Jones is still on the way to 36,000 at least!
Veil Is Dropping >> Is the Matrix Programmed?
Hey Folks,
Re: The Kondratieff is programmed?
Listen VERY, VERY carefully!!!
In the year 2525?
Monday, July 8, 2019
Redux April 29th Blog
G'Mooornin Woooorld,
Re: From my Blog on 4/29:
"... If I can continue, I will endeavor to cover some of them.
But first:
Dow Jones still targeted to at least 36,000,
Gold is still targeted for major drop (now it will be contiguous with appearance of PTB's Crypto Mania),
All things are in seeming chaos, but that is not true as all things are progressing according to ____'s plan.
More later and take care in all things.
Well, now on July the 8th guess whaaaat is appearing on the financial horizon?
They are ramping up the PTB's Crypto-Currency phase of things to come!
"The Whaaaat," you say!
"The PTB's Crypto-Currency phase of things to come!"
You can keep your eyes on the roll-out and of things coming that will fulfill the goal of the PTB here:
I, on the other hand, don't need to read this stuff as I already know what is coming.
And it ain't going to be pretty for all the current lesser CryptoCurrencies out there, but it will be for those who are bringing you THEIR Crypto; and with its roll-out they will be able to finally fulfill their wish to track you, and to follow you, and to cut you off from any medium of monetary exchange --- if you don't toe their many lines in the sand about all things!
Violence from the Anti-Fa thugs of the Bolshevik left is just the beginning of trouble to come:
Revelation 13 15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
For we Christians there is great joy in seeing all these things come about. We know and understand that all of this is the just the beginning of many blessed and wonderful things; for, we know the final ACT, which none of them believe is actually coming.
Re: From my Blog on 4/29:
"... If I can continue, I will endeavor to cover some of them.
But first:
Dow Jones still targeted to at least 36,000,
Gold is still targeted for major drop (now it will be contiguous with appearance of PTB's Crypto Mania),
All things are in seeming chaos, but that is not true as all things are progressing according to ____'s plan.
More later and take care in all things.
Well, now on July the 8th guess whaaaat is appearing on the financial horizon?
They are ramping up the PTB's Crypto-Currency phase of things to come!
"The Whaaaat," you say!
"The PTB's Crypto-Currency phase of things to come!"
You can keep your eyes on the roll-out and of things coming that will fulfill the goal of the PTB here:
I, on the other hand, don't need to read this stuff as I already know what is coming.
And it ain't going to be pretty for all the current lesser CryptoCurrencies out there, but it will be for those who are bringing you THEIR Crypto; and with its roll-out they will be able to finally fulfill their wish to track you, and to follow you, and to cut you off from any medium of monetary exchange --- if you don't toe their many lines in the sand about all things!
Violence from the Anti-Fa thugs of the Bolshevik left is just the beginning of trouble to come:
Revelation 13 15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
For we Christians there is great joy in seeing all these things come about. We know and understand that all of this is the just the beginning of many blessed and wonderful things; for, we know the final ACT, which none of them believe is actually coming.
Saturday, July 6, 2019
Californication EQs set Atheists Crying for GOD!
Hey Folks,
Re: Atheists are arrogant lying cowards who when scared, cry out "GOD!" or "Oh, God!"
Now, for reasons not yet stated (think, relevant activity on Ring of Fire), I put up two recent blogs - one just before the 6.4 - on the rising probability of Earthquakes in Californication.
Well, supporting my point on atheists calling out for God when panic-stricken, go and listen to the many videos on You Tube of those recording in real time during the recent Earthquakes in Californication!
And you will hear what I have heard.
To wit: Atheists are arrogantly lying cowards because they will always cry out for GOD when they are in total Shock and scared, thinking they will die!
Now, WHY is that, you should ask?
Well I never really thought about it before until I came to know Almighty God and his Son - Jesus Christ.
Now I know without a scintilla of doubt why it is that atheists cry out for GOD when they are facing immediate and seemingly unavoidable instant mortal danger: it is because their very soul --- that they have ignored and denied all their lives --- suddenly knows that it may soon leave its body and journey to the utter depths of HELLFIRE and it is crying out in desperation for its Master, Creator and God.
No one knows the exact timing, but my reading of the data on and knowing what I know about the true sciences of the earth prompted my writing those warnings, and to make this one: recent activity is very potentially setting up for a BIG ONE in Californication, and quite possibly in short order!
Then we'll hear the atheists and anti-Christs crying out for God in their millions!!!
Re: Atheists are arrogant lying cowards who when scared, cry out "GOD!" or "Oh, God!"
Now, for reasons not yet stated (think, relevant activity on Ring of Fire), I put up two recent blogs - one just before the 6.4 - on the rising probability of Earthquakes in Californication.
Well, supporting my point on atheists calling out for God when panic-stricken, go and listen to the many videos on You Tube of those recording in real time during the recent Earthquakes in Californication!
And you will hear what I have heard.
To wit: Atheists are arrogantly lying cowards because they will always cry out for GOD when they are in total Shock and scared, thinking they will die!
Now, WHY is that, you should ask?
Well I never really thought about it before until I came to know Almighty God and his Son - Jesus Christ.
Now I know without a scintilla of doubt why it is that atheists cry out for GOD when they are facing immediate and seemingly unavoidable instant mortal danger: it is because their very soul --- that they have ignored and denied all their lives --- suddenly knows that it may soon leave its body and journey to the utter depths of HELLFIRE and it is crying out in desperation for its Master, Creator and God.
No one knows the exact timing, but my reading of the data on and knowing what I know about the true sciences of the earth prompted my writing those warnings, and to make this one: recent activity is very potentially setting up for a BIG ONE in Californication, and quite possibly in short order!
Then we'll hear the atheists and anti-Christs crying out for God in their millions!!!
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