Tuesday, December 3, 2019

No War with Iran

Hey Folks,

Re: This buttresses prior posts on No War with Iran 




This latest evidence of a Big - high flying - Drone being downed by Yemen Houthis is further evidence of their possessing sophisticated Air Defense Technology most probably from Iran;  and it is ever so mindful of the NVA air defenses (from Russia) vs. USA fifty years ago.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

MSM is now going to RampDown Talk of War with Iran

G'Mornin UU - SSss - AAAAAA,
Re: MSM is now going to be allowed to RampDown Talk of  War with Iran


Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Addendum: Why - IMO - No War with Iran

Hey Folks,

Re: Why no War with Iran.

For many months I have been writing that there will be no War

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Whence Goes California & US Education System and US Invincibility & Exceptionalism?

Hey Folks,

Re: Yet some more uncomfortable truths.





I have been warning about this for the past twenty years; and now these things and some others I will point out soon are preordaining some very cataclysmic events for the USA!!

But When?

Well, NOT YET saith the Kondratieff charts & other more supremely powerful predictive sources!

Stay Tuned.






Whence Goes US Invincibility & Exceptionalism?

Hey Folks,

Re: Yet some more uncomfortable truths.


I have been warning about this for the past two years; and now these things and some others I will point out soon are preordaining some very cataclysmic events for the USA!!

But When?

Well, NOT YET saith the Kondratieff charts & other more supremely powerful predictive sources!

Stay Tuned.


Saturday, November 16, 2019

Whence goes the US Dollar?

Hey Folks,

Re: Some uncomfortable truths

Now these things and some others I will point out soon are preordaining some very cataclysmic events for the USA!!

But When?

Source: Bloomberg

Well, NOT YET saith the Kondratieff charts & other more supremely powerful predictive sources!

Stay Tuned.


Friday, November 15, 2019

Homeless attacks against society exploding in LA


Re: My posts of almost two years ago?

From my personal experiences trying to help the homeless here in Sarasota   >>>   I then predicted that the homeless and forlorn would soon start attacking society at large.  

And from what I observed and heard of their seething hatred of everyone else, I strongly suspected that they will target the formerly immune prosperous ones, who flaunt their wealth.

This was all seen just before real Revolutions >> like Paris 1789!!



P. S. But have no fear!!  The rich will get MUCH richer as the USA stock markets explode to the upside, just I have been predicting for years and years.

In fact, my current target of 36,000 for the Dow Jones will soon be revised upward; as the Fed now expands its insane ZIRP, which is now on steroids when one even vaguely understands their recent expansion of overnight REPO's!!

Actually from my work on the Kondratieff, I have always known (since 3/16/2009) of this coming new target number for the Dow Jones; but I could not have printed it back then  >>> everyone would have assumed I was deranged.

But it will actually be all of them (maybe you too) who will soon be deranged when they see where the Dow Jones is really going!!

Friday, November 8, 2019

No War with Iran. Now it's "The Guardian" no less!!

Hey Folks,

Re: More confirmation of my years-long position of NO WAR with Iran.*


So, what now?


Thursday, November 7, 2019

Prestigiously Sanctioned Sources now admit my position on No War with Iran!

Hey Folks,

Re: My position on NO WAR with Iran!

This is important here, because all those who responded to the MSM Dog Whistles on this subject have been scared into staying out of the stockmarket; and that, after all, is the object of such MSM misinformation!!

I have taken many raps on this by nincompoops who believe our own MSM.

But now the truth is seeping out! 


For, strange things, they are A'cumin!!





Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Big One, or is it Ones!!!


Re: My recent posts on Earthquakes in Californication & USA!


"... ...   Thursday, October 17, 2019

California Nightmare Grows increasingly problematic

Gooo' Moore'nin 

Do you remember my prior posts on Earthquakes!

Why did I start making these predictions?

Well stay tuned to the revelation... ... ..."

  "... ... ... Saturday, July 6, 2019

Californication EQs set Atheists Crying for GOD!

Hey Folks,
Re: Atheists are arrogant lying cowards who when scared, cry out "GOD!" or "Oh, God!"

Now, for reasons not yet stated (think, relevant activity on Ring of Fire), I put up two recent blogs - one just before the 6.4 -  on the rising probability of Earthquakes in Californication   .... ... "

" ... ... ... Sunday, September 23, 2018

May God* be getting ready to clean things up in California?

Well Folks,

Re: May God* be getting ready to clean things up in California? 

... ... "

Well folks, Wake UP, because it's warming up!!



Saturday, November 2, 2019

Hey New Readers!!

Hey New Readers!! 


Re: my blog of 


Sunday, July 29, 2012


# III Its the "Kondratieff", STUPID!!!!:


I have recieved several diatribes from new readers who simply are not aware of my predictions and their endless extensions DUE TO THE FED'S INSANE ZIRP POLICY that continues into today!!


Specifically, at the time of that post, I was predicting that the Dow Jones would go to 18,000 (before the final Kondratieff Wave of three ends all things economic - here and elsewhere).  


And that was when everyone else was predicting 6,000 or lower.


AND at the time (2012) I knew we were going to at least 36,000 but withheld that info because I would have been viciously attacked for being crazy!


So read all the blogs in sequence to understand how we got to this point, BEFORE you criticize these blogs!!!!



Sunday, July 29, 2012

# III Its the "Kondratieff", STUPID!!!!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

So you deny the souls of men?

I played at the guitar for years and years, and, thereof, know something of those who can Plaaaay the guitar!!

This man had a soul!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veOPrDAGLqE  >> Min 3:00 -- 3:41 :>))  ++ 5:30 >> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guitars can only Si ' iiinnng in the hands of just a very, very few!    And those hands are of men with souls such as you may deny to your detriment!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQ4REYdCkTw  .>>> min 5:50!!!!!

And remember Bach and Mozart both claimed to not have written their music alone: they claimed to have been given the music!

And the same for Van Gogh's paintings  and Tesla's discoveries; including AC Electric Current without which we would not be communicating very much or very far today, since Edisons' DC Current was limited to two or three or, maybe,  four miles necessitating huge transformers everywhere; what a royal mess that would have been!!!!!!!!

And the same for all those who can accurately prophesy; where, accurately is the operatively essential word under consideration!!

Get ready for The Mark Of the Beast*!!

Hey folks,


So you thought I was NUTZ about the imminent appearance of the Mark of the beast in the following blog from last August??


Well view the following video and think!!!




Saturday, August 24, 2019

Remember my blogs on Bitcoin/CryptoCurrencies/fiat money??



CryptoCurrencies Coming, BUT not ...

The ones you expect!!!

There are many twists and turns coming; and they will not be good for you!

With negative interests rates in the works >>> Fiat folding money will be subtracted from your coming life!

Get ready for The Mark Of the Beast*!!


*Revelation 13 

For, the times they are a changing and all your foundations are blowin in the wind!!


ExcIItin times are a'cumin!!


Thursday, October 17, 2019

California Nightmare Grows increasingly problematic

Gooo' Moore'nin 


Do you remember my prior posts on Earthquakes!


Why did I start making these predictions?


Well stay tuned to the revelation that these latest rounds are now precipitated by a truly disastrous and foolish geologic insanity that is understood by very few. 


Any guesses out there?


Hint: you can see the insanity on Google!





 Headlines from prior posts


Saturday, July 6, 2019

Californication EQs set Atheists Crying for GOD!

Hey Folks,

Re: Atheists are arrogant lying cowards who when scared, cry out "GOD!" or "Oh, God!"

Now, for reasons not yet stated (think, relevant activity on Ring of Fire), I put up two recent blogs - one just before the 6.4 -  on the rising probability of Earthquakes in Californication.

Well, supporting my point on atheists calling out for God when panic-stricken, go and listen to the many videos on You Tube of those recording in real time during the recent Earthquakes in Californication!
And you will hear what I have heard.


Sunday, September 23, 2018

May God* be getting ready to clean things up in California?

Well Folks,

Re: May God* be getting ready to clean things up in California? 


For, West of the San Andreas Fault in the Pacific Ocean is the Catalina Basin at over a mile in depth **  just awaiting the reception of all Los Angeles (and Hollyweird) -- to a great homecoming with destiny.

And this great ordained earthquake could be immediately preceded by Catalina Island sinking in the Pacific and thus generating a new great Volcanic Eruption and resultant Great Tsunami to finish the job on the California Coast.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

MSM is now going to RampDown Talk of War with Iran

G'Mornin UU - SSss - AAAAAA,

Re: MSM is now going to be allowed to RampDown Talk of  War with Iran


And "Exactly Why is this going to happen now?" you might ask.

Well think about what I have been writing for many years (on my destroyed website) and on this blog for the last several years >>> and most especially in the last few posts.

And I will come back and give you the correct answer in a few days.

For the more prescient out there and for those who have been reading these blogs for years, The answer to the above question should be patently obvious.


P.S. The secret to this riddle  is hidden in the numbers.  
But the numbers of what?  you may ask.
Stay Tuned!

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Addendum: Why - IMO - No War with Iran

Hey Folks,

Re: Why no War with Iran.

For many months I have been writing that there will be no War with Iran, despite all the War Mongering opinions from Arm Chair Warrior types promulgated by deceptively dishonest MSM BS artists!

So, to understand my position read the following very, very, very  carefully; namely, can you imagine a US attack on Iran without absolute control of the skies in either the offensive or defensive theaters of action**?


Three Saudi Brigades were annihilated by the Yemenis in this attack in Saudi Arabia, after the Saudi Air Cover had been neutralized by drone attacks:



** The brass in Cent-Com or the Pentagon are not stupid. 

Friday, September 27, 2019

Fed is now TOTALLY Panicked!!


RE: Recent Fed activity proves my assertions (since April of 2012**) that the Fed is totally panicked is TOTALLY TRUE!



And for those who understand the Financial Infrastructure of the Petro Dollar a wonderful and total Collapse is soon coming in which the short side will make Billions of dollars; and they will need to because the US Dollar will be destroyed.

BUT, don't forget the Dow and Market averages will still go to stratospheric levels; so as to, finally bankrupt the Sheople and cause them to go totally nutz!

Ain't it just great when you finally Get IT!




"The Fed has pumped hundreds of billions into the market through 'repo' offerings. Here's what they are, and why they're back for the first time since the financial crisis. ..."





"Big Banks Loom Over Fed Repo Efforts

Concentration of market activity there can drive borrowing costs higher for smaller firms

The dominance of big firms trading in the overnight market for cash loans is hampering Federal Reserve efforts to calm short-term funding markets.
Activity in the market for repurchase agreements, or repos, where banks and investors..."


**  It was in that year that the Fed finally realized that the 2008-09 crash was something they did not understand, and that it was, indeed and in fact, a secular correction (Kondratieff CRASH) and not a cyclical correction. 
All these things were covered in some great detail on my since destroyed Website, but the PTB could NOT let my Website remain as a beacon in the night, as I had picked up a following by 2015 of thousands from all over the world, and at that time it was growing exponentially; all of which activity was totally obscured and hidden by their continually fucking with my website metrics and other BS.
So, then as my predictions on the Market and other things were quite obviously coming true they >>>> just killed it.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace." -Jimi Hendrix

News got ya down?

Everybody go'in nuts?

Everybody mad at somebody about nutt'in?

Evraabody wanta kill somebody over sum'thin?

Hers' what I learned almost fifty years ago in a world longagogone >>> except for those who lived it; for they relive it every night!

So, when things are gett'in too crasyzy  for ya !!

Then it;'s time to tell evraa'body out there >>>


lets coooool IT and grooove on some righteous notes of WHOLY HIIIGH DECIBALS!!!!


Cause the Dow is go'in WHOLY HIIIGH TOOOO!


So, dump the laggards and load up on the leaders and get HIIIIGH with all the MIGHTY!!



Saturday, September 7, 2019

What to do just before the real crash?

Hey Folks,

Re: what to to do with your money just before the end is clearly and plainly outlined here:


But when is the end?

Now, ain't that the rub!

But as all you may know, I pretty well described that in my since destroyed website on the page about overextended investor enthusiasm revealed in the continuum of aggregated angles of indices after corrections.

It's long gone and I don't feel like writing all that again; so, stay tuned.

Hint: it ain't yet, but we're getting closer every day.


Saturday, August 24, 2019

Remember my blogs on Bitcoin/CryptoCurrencies/fiat money??



CryptoCurrencies Coming, BUT not ...

The ones you expect!!!

There are many twists and turns coming; and they will not be good for you!

With negative interests rates in the works >>> Fiat folding money will be subtracted from your coming life!

Get ready for The Mark Of the Beast*!!


*Revelation 13

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Addendum >> Why there will be No War with Iran on Horizon

Hey Folks  

Re: Why there will be no War with Iran.

To understand why, Ya'll should be reading All the News That's Fit to Read in the real media!


And then think!

This war hysteria with Iran ever since 1994 reminds me ever so much of 1953  >> 1959.

Americans in that time frame were barraged with PsyOps news in their MSM!!

To whit:  "War with China!!! War with China!!!! 

"The Chinese Reds are set to invade the Islands of Quemoy and Matsu, and then its Taiwan   >>>>  and then its Alaska and Seattle!!

"There will be WAR, WAR, WAAAAR!!!!"

At the same time the US was exploding its Nuclear Bombs just south of us (I was in Reno) in Nevada -- almost every other week!!

And in K through the 4th grade in both Nevada and California (I lived in both in that time-frame) we were undergoing Duck and Cover Drills every Week; and we kiddies were forced to watch the Nuclear Immolation Movies every month or so; they were made especially to scare the shit out of us, and make us forget about God.

For, if we were all going TO BE IMMOLATED next week then there could simply be no GOD!!!!
I have come to believe that War hysteria is the life blood of this country's MIC.*

Don't you guys get it yet??

Forget about all the WAR Hysteria Shit and go buy stocks because the Dow Jones is going to the moon!!!


*  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8y06NSBBRtY

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

7/31/19 Fed Speek = Fed totally Panicked

Howdy Folks,

Re: 7/31/19 Fed Speek FBO Sheople

I was just listening to the Fed Chairman, and I really feel sorry for him as he obfuscates, lies and generally is untruthful on his remarks and on ALL his answers to really slow and soft ball questions.

This guy is really in a jam because IF the Fed told the truth as it is, then: ALL the Sheople would become even more panicked than the Fed Governors are.

I will have much more on this later; but I am just too tied up in more important things.


PS Just about ready to raise Dow Jones target from 36,000 to something higher; and this rejig higher would be intimately tied into what Fed chairman is saying today -- between the lines.  

You should be thinking about what I apparently see that no one is reporting yet!!

Hint: What asset classes should be used by FED to support their ZIRP (Zero Interest Rate Policy) driven Bubble Economy?

Any ideas out there? 

Addendum to Blog on NO WAR on horizon = Stock Market explosion

Hey Folks,

Re: No War with Iran 

I have had more than several criticisms of my June 29th Blog >>> asserting no War with Iran is imminent!

Well, the reasons you heard for Trump calling off a preemptive strike recently against Iran is BS in my opinion.

How about you guys read other sources of things going on in the world: and think LONG and HARD about the supposed military superiority of the USA -- up until recently -- that allowed us to go bomb everybody to Kingdom Come that we wished to!!


Happy Dreams to you all  >>> 36,000 on the Dow Jones and higher coming to a FV* near you!



*FV = Funny Vision

Friday, July 19, 2019

Veil is Dropping > Apocalyptic American Pie?


Re: the Apocalyptic American Pie?

Listen VERY, VERY carefully!!!!! 


When I was in the Army some of our marching cadences focused on:

Girl Friends, Mom, Chevys and Apple Pie.

Well you have all seen what we got for that!


My next post >> The FED is now totally panicked and this economy is totally F_cked!!

This is now getting near the apocalyptic conclusion of all things; and I'm lov'in it!!


P. S. BUT have no fear --Dow Jones is still on the way to 36,000 at least!

Veil Is Dropping >> Is the Matrix Programmed?

Hey Folks,

Re: The Kondratieff is programmed?

Listen VERY, VERY carefully!!!


In the year 2525?


Monday, July 8, 2019

Redux April 29th Blog

G'Mooornin Woooorld,

Re: From my Blog on 4/29:

"... If I can continue, I will endeavor to cover some of them.
But first:
Dow Jones still targeted to at least 36,000,
Gold is still targeted for major drop (now it will be contiguous with appearance of PTB's Crypto Mania),
All things are in seeming chaos, but that is not true as all things are progressing according to ____'s plan.
More later and take care in all things.

Well, now on July the 8th guess whaaaat is appearing on the financial horizon?

They are ramping up the PTB's Crypto-Currency phase of things to come!

"The Whaaaat," you say!

"The PTB's Crypto-Currency phase of things to come!"

You can keep your eyes on the roll-out and of things coming that will fulfill the goal of the PTB here:


I, on the other hand, don't need to read this stuff as I already know what is coming.

And it ain't going to be pretty for all the current lesser CryptoCurrencies out there, but it will be for those who are bringing you THEIR Crypto; and with its roll-out they will be able to finally fulfill their wish to track you, and to follow you, and to cut you off from any medium of monetary exchange --- if you don't toe their many lines in the sand about all things!

Violence from the Anti-Fa thugs of the Bolshevik left is just the beginning of trouble to come:
Revelation 13   15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

For we Christians there is great joy in seeing all these things come about.  We know and understand that all of this is the just the beginning of many blessed and wonderful things; for, we know the final ACT, which none of them believe is actually coming.



Saturday, July 6, 2019

Californication EQs set Atheists Crying for GOD!

Hey Folks,

Re: Atheists are arrogant lying cowards who when scared, cry out "GOD!" or "Oh, God!"

Now, for reasons not yet stated (think, relevant activity on Ring of Fire), I put up two recent blogs - one just before the 6.4 -  on the rising probability of Earthquakes in Californication.

Well, supporting my point on atheists calling out for God when panic-stricken, go and listen to the many videos on You Tube of those recording in real time during the recent Earthquakes in Californication!
And you will hear what I have heard.

To wit: Atheists are arrogantly lying cowards because they will always cry out for GOD when they are in total Shock and scared, thinking they will die! 

Now, WHY is that, you should ask?

Well I never really thought about it before until I came to know Almighty God and his Son - Jesus Christ.

Now I know without a scintilla of doubt why it is that atheists cry out for GOD when they are facing immediate and seemingly unavoidable instant mortal danger:  it is because their very soul --- that they have ignored and denied all their lives --- suddenly knows that it may soon leave its body and journey to the utter depths of HELLFIRE and it is crying out in desperation for its Master, Creator and God.

No one knows the exact timing, but my reading of the data on usg.gov and knowing what I know about the true sciences of the earth prompted my writing those warnings, and to make this one:  recent activity is very potentially setting up for a BIG ONE in  Californication, and quite possibly in short order!

Then we'll hear the atheists and anti-Christs crying out for God in their millions!!!



Saturday, June 29, 2019

But War with _____ is Coming!!! The Markets Will Crash!!


Re: I get at least three panicked inquiries a week  --- But with the coming WAR!! the Markets will Crash!!!

We have had this MSM promulgated MIC* Psy-Ops thrown in our faces about Iran for at least the last twenty five years: and, I promise, you will see a lot of MSM concentration on this to keep the Sheople terrified and always on the wrong side of things.

But, after Vietnam and Afghanistan the present USA Military will only fight those they can overwhelm; like Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Venezuela, Grenada, Panama, etc., etc.

And when we do ILLEGALLY declare war on such third rate nations and go after these inconsequential countries ---- the MARKETS ALWAYS ROAR.

However, after having our buts whipped for over fifteen years in Afghanistan -- even some of those countries are now off limits.

So, as far as this threat in the next months or very few years**: after the March 1st 2018 revelations by Putin you can forget WAR with N.Korea, Iran, China and Russia for the following reasons, and many more not covered here:



From this presstv.com site:

Russia ‘ready to deliver S-400 to Iran,’ no request made yet

Fri Jun 28, 2019 01:52PM [Updated: Fri Jun 28, 2019 02:02PM ]

"In this file photo, taken on August 22, 2017, a Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missile launching system is seen displayed at the exposition field in Kubinka Patriot Park outside Moscow during the first day of the International Military-Technical Forum Army-2017. (By AFP) Russia says it is ready to deliver advanced S-400 air defense missile systems to Iran but says it has not yet received any official request from the Islamic Republic for such a sale.

“We are open for discussions on delivering S-400 Triumph air defense systems, including to Iran. Especially given that this equipment is not subject to restrictions outlined in UN Security Council’s resolution issued on June 20, 2015,” a representative of the press service of the Russian Federal Service of Military-Technical Cooperation told Sputnik on Friday.
... ... ...
The S-400 is an advanced air and missile defense system intended to engage incoming hostiles at ranges of up to 400 kilometers."

* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyBNmecVtdU

** Now, quite unfortunately for all of us above the Equator, the Kondratieff Super Cycle does have important things to indicate about Major War or Wars in the period 2022 to 2025; but I will have more on that later.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Confirmation of my position on California & eventually the entire country


I first voiced this view over ten years ago on my since destroyed website: and as I stated back then the demise of California is just the forerunner of things to come for all fifty States as they each will gradually succumb to and come under Demonrat Control!

Re: Consensus is Building on the demise of California


You'll have to go to the website as the Big guys are just getting insanely particular about posting their stuff!

"America’s First Third-World State

"  A man who said he is homeless stands outside his makeshift home near a housing construction project in San Francisco, Calif., in 2015. (Robert Galbraith/Reuters)
"Medieval diseases, gangs, corruption, crime, crumbling infrastructure, out-of-touch wealthy elites "‘Third World” is now an anachronistic geographical term of the old Cold War. But after 1989, “Third World” was reinvented from a political noun into an adjective to mean more than just Asian, African, and Latin American nations nonaligned with either the West or the Soviet bloc.
"Rather, the current modifier “Third World” has come to transcend geography, politics, and ethnicity. It simply denotes poor failed states all over the globe of all races and religions. ... ...

"Third World symptomologies are predictably corrupt government, unequal or nonexistent applicability of the law, two rather than three classes, and the return of medieval diseases.
"Another chief characteristic of a Third World society is the official denial of all of the above, ..."

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Who was Nicolai Kondratiev? (Kondratieff)

Howdy folks,

Finally - after eleven years - some questions from out there that shows that someone is thinking?

How could I be right on the Stock Market for over thirty years, especially since March 9, 2009, by following the work of a long dead Russian Economist?

Well his work is still very relevant and will always be as long as there are men and women; and that is why.

Kondratieff's work has been grossly misinterpreted and, therefore, neither followed nor examined because of bias of the current breed of Econo Mystics that you see and listen to on your FVs.

In the midst of the Johnson/Nixon Silver and Gold scam of the mid 60s and early 70s I stumbled across his work and instantly realized that this man had found the secret of intermediate and long term trends in all markets - everywhere.

And that is why Stalin had him shot in the back of the head: his work disproved the Dialectical Materialism of Communism; and all so-called economists who followed it were not economists but rather buffoons and lackeys of the evil powers of this earth. 

I wrote a paper in High School on the Kondratieff Cycle which was well received and I continued thinking about and studying his works in College for which I very nearly was forced out before gaining a degree.

So, I learned to shut up and followed his footsteps nonetheless.

My Senior thesis in Finance examined the validity of economic secular cycles (something hated by the Econo Mystics) and a supporting computer program that utilized my interpretation of Kondratieff's work: my program averaged + 17% (later refined to 27%, and much higher in bursts of two or three years after being triggered by parabolic MMoves) per annum returns over one hundred years of historical data from several markets: I was given an A because I never revealed whom it was that I was following.

I went onto Graduate School and mistakenly revealed to my Advisor in the first week who it was that I intended to concentrate on: that was the end of my Graduate studies.

By the by, after Stalin had him executed his thugs confiscated Kondratieff's last seminal work, which was never published.

Hint:  But a very, very careful reading of ALL his earlier writings and graphs reveal where it was that he was going; and that is what I discovered; and that is why the Dow Jones is going to 36,000.


 P. S. But as I have revealed for many months I am on the verge of raising that DJ target.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Americans All -- and Everyone should remember it To Be So!!


Re: Gettysburg Foes >> became Friends again.


As you watch the buffoons and jesters of both parties  --  railing, name calling* and threatening all their opponents -- among our current political class strut across your FV** screens the next two year or so:

Look at this video; and wonder and lament for the Great American Character of reconciliation and comradeship that seems lost to this generation.


* This seems a peculiarly vulgar talent of Trump that is actually admired and imitated by others: what a decadence of Declass Antics we have witnessed in these last years!

** FV = Funny Vision

California is Gone!!

Dear Folks,


Re: California is now a leading S_hithole State.

This actually hurts me to relate as I know California better than most in this country.


I actually am a second and third generation Californian*: my Step-Grandfather came over Donner's Pass in a wagon as a baby in the 1880s and my Father and his Brothers fought in the San Francisco Longshoreman's Battles of the 30's.


I could relate much, much more but why?!


I post here only the first paragraphs of a great and well done expose' from the following site; and I urge everyone to follow this site, as America sinks into the Ineluctable Hell of 3rd World S_thole.




* Was, as I followed my Father to Alaska** in the 60s:  he had first gone to Alaska to prospect for gold and work in the mines around Fairbanks in 1930 -- in the midst of the depression and moved there to live full time in 1955. I still have extended family remaining in California -- but most have fled to other States.

** I very strongly believe that Alaska will be the very last S_thole State since very strong, independent and patriotic Americans moved and are still moving there --  now in big numbers! 



"Conditions On The Streets Of San Francisco Are Comparable To “The Slums Of Mumbai, Delhi, Mexico City, Jarkarta, And Manila”


"Once upon a time, some of the most beautiful cities in the entire world were on the west coast, but now those same cities are degenerating into drug-infested cesspools of filth and garbage right in front of our eyes.  San Francisco is known as the epicenter for our tech industry, and Los Angeles produces more entertainment than anyone else in the world, and yet both cities are making headlines all over the world for other reasons these days.  Right now, nearly a quarter of the nation’s homeless population lives in the state of California, and more are arriving with each passing day.  When you walk the streets of San Francisco or Los Angeles, you can’t help but notice the open air drug markets, the giant mountains of trash, and the discarded needles and piles of human feces that are seemingly everywhere.  If this is what things look like when the U.S. economy is still relatively stable, how bad are things going to get when the economy tanks?
In San Francisco, the homeless population has grown by 17 percent since 2017, and when a UN official recently walked the streets she was absolutely horrified by what she witnessed

When Leilani Farha paid a visit to San Francisco in January, she knew the grim reputation of the city’s homeless encampments. In her four years as the United Nations Special Rapporteur for Adequate Housing, Farha has visited the slums of Mumbai, Delhi, Mexico City, Jarkarta, and Manila. The crisis in San Francisco, she said, is comparable to these conditions.
I have never been to Mumbai, Delhi, Mexico City, Jarkarta or Manila, and so I will just have to take her word for what the conditions are like there.
But how can this be happening in one of the wealthiest cities in the entire country?

... ... there is still time.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Micro Effects 0f Retail Apocalypse

G' Mornin,

Re: Paradigm Shifts elucidated in article from this link that is noted at end of this post.


This article only confirms many things to those of us who saw it coming:

#1 Retail gone - forever affected by ubiquitously promulgated on-line shopping*, and crime in the malls**, and the Newly Crazed Impotent (NCI's).

#2 Demise of Sports Illustrated - they led the charge for PC Sports; and all real males hate everything PC and LBGQT, etc.

#3 Roads over run by Newly Unruly, Scare't Mobs of NCI's - down here in Florida evidence of the NCI's are the impoverished middle/lower class drivers buying pick up trucks, because they can't afford sports cars.***  Then they turn their pic'ups into War Wagons; i.e. jacking them up so high that they are no longer driving scare't, and then can feel powerful and intimidate everyone else --- that is suddenly down there below them.

I've ridden with some of these NCI's and just watched and listened as their comments and attitudes totally morph into something repulsive --- when they got in their WAR WAGONS! 

They suddenly feel safe in their War Wagons.  Of course, at home they are truly impotent  (I've had this confirmed by their former girl friends and wives****) fools who have no control over anything in their lives; and they only feel manly on the roads.

What a sad country of NCI's - and other misbegotten sons of the Devil (John 8:44) - these younger generations have become!


I Used to Write for Sports Illustrated. Now I Deliver Packages for Amazon.

There’s a certain novelty, after decades at a legacy media company, in playing for the team that’s winning big.

  • Austin Murphy
" Holiday parties were right around the corner, and I needed a cover story. I didn’t feel like admitting to casual acquaintances, or even to some good friends, that I drive a van for Amazon. ...
... ...
Let’s face it, when you’re a college-educated 57-year-old slinging parcels for a living, something in your life has not gone according to plan. That said, my moments of chagrin are far outnumbered by the upsides of the job, which include windfall connections with grateful strangers. There’s a certain novelty, after decades at a legacy media company—Time Inc.—in playing for the team that’s winning big, that’s not considered a dinosaur, even if that team is paying me $17 an hour (plus OT!) ..."

* In fact, on-line shopping was ILLEGALLY promulgated by the PTB by allowing Amazon to build a huge footprint back in the 90s by their never having to pay nor charge for the state taxes of their buyers who lived in all the States with sales taxes; and this allowed Amazon then to undercut all local retailers in states with sales taxes in those early years and gain their enormous momentum!!

** This Mall crime is actually much, much worse all over the country than reported as most Police are urged to under report these crimes so as to not scare off Mall shoppers.  But the largest class of Mall shoppers know this already and totally avoid going to be just going to Malls to shop, as they now run the risk of getting knifed, or mugged, or Knocked Out, or killed!

And, of course, on orders - from above - all the MSM ignores the Knock Out Games and their perpetrators and their victims - each of separate races. 

*** My thesis on this phenomena is proven by the fact that immediately upon jacking up their pic'ups they remove the mufflers and buy straight larger diameter pipes and resonators; despite the fact that resonators and bigger pipes screw up the engine dynamics, contributing to engine life being shorter; because displaced and interrupted engine flow dynamics of the exhaust actually yield inadequate bursts of max horse power at the upper end -- fools!  

Translation: Resonators and bigger pipes without increasing actual Horse Power (cylinder boring, etc.) produce less powerful engines and only a louder sounding more throaty exhaust sound, which is all they can afford anyway.  That and the increased attention from their now louder pic'up yields more attention from cops and speeding tickets! 

I know a whole lot more than a little about street racing and racers as my older brother had many friends who knew all the tricks (like, ice-packed and racked intake manifolds & split fork (fast gapped) sparkies & super advanced timing chalks) and actually built really fast street racers back in the mid fifties in Modesto, California, with the challenging preliminaries raced N'West of town on Dakota Avenue (where we lived) or in Modesto on H Street and the Real Deal, One-on-One, Mano et Mano face offs out West of town on Paradise Road.  

That (Modesto, Ca/mid-fifties) whole street racing scene was the catalyst for the famous scenes on street racing in the movie American Graffiti, which did portray it to a T!

In fact, the final deadly crash scene of that movie was about Mano et Mano racing on Paradise Road, because it was miles long of super straight and at night or on Sunday nearly deserted; thus, many races out there and many wrecks as well.

At the ages of seven, eight and nine, I was a passenger with my brother many, many times on Paradise Road at simply stupid (but fun) speeds!

**** I could, and should, and just might write a book on this phenomena which is the direct result of these younger generations being satisfied with their ubiquitously watched porn and Solo Masturbation Rituals (SMR).  

Whereas, our generation didn't have access to porn or even know what it was; and we wanted real girls.

And massive nation wide attention to porn - now watched or looked at by up to 84% of men and 74% of women - is leading to SMR's (resulting in lowered interest in real people of opposite sex {which is responsible for fewer marriages and dropping population in Japan!!}), lower sperm counts, impotence and Peyronie's disease!

In fact, due to the ubiquitous porn culture in Japan women are now starting to have to marry themselves and to have Marriage Ceremonies with no men in attendance, because the young men in Japan are effeminate or too interested in the prefect porn celluloid to masturbate to!

Really, really sick and all of this madness is coming here!! 

And, Good!! 

I say!

They all (masturbaters & LBGQTs) deserve the God-given requitements promised them and their ilk in Romans 1: 18 - 27 - 32 for their sinful ways; for, given the widespread acceptance of true filth and evil, these are, indeed, the last days (Genesis 49:1) and end of the world (Luke 21; Matthew 24) long foretold of!