Well Folks,
Re: May God* be getting ready to clean things up in California?
For, West of the San Andreas Fault in the Pacific Ocean is the Catalina Basin at over a mile in depth ** just awaiting the reception of all Los Angeles (and Hollyweird) -- to a great homecoming with destiny.
And this great ordained earthquake could be immediately preceded by Catalina Island sinking in the Pacific and thus generating a new great Volcanic Eruption and resultant Great Tsunami to finish the job on the California Coast.
Think I'm kidding?
Start relearning the truth of all things and discover the geological proof of Sodom and Gomorrah and four other ancient cities of Sodomites**, Lesbians, lustfully hateful atheists and haters of Almighty God being swallowed by the Dead Sea **** (Genesis 19) !
Great things are in our future as the signs of the end become more and more obvious to those with eyes to see, and with ears to hear, and with minds to think (Luke 21; Revelation 16).
* For those of us who know Almighty God (Genesis 1; Matthew 3:16,17; John 1:1-7) and his Son, Jesus Christ, there is no Mother Nature; but there is divinely requited justice awaiting all the inveterate ridiculers, deniers, haters and deniers of Almighty God (Romans 1:18 - 26,27 - 32), the Father, and his Son, Jesus Christ.
** https://aslopubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.4319/lo.1956.1.1.0035
*** http://losangeles.com/
**** http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/cultures/sodom_gomorrah_01.shtml

The last full blown Kondratieff Long-Wave contraction occurred in the 30's. The next Kondratieff Long-Wave finally commenced in 2007-08, after being delayed by several foolish and ultimately unsuccessful interdictions of the US Monetary and Fiscal authorities. Its reemergence is now ordained with the FED's insanely structured ZIRP! Therefore, the Kondratieff's full impact is due to reassert itself in the next 18 to 36 months. If you want to know more: go to, www.polestarcomm.com
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
San Francisco now a S-ithole City of Acclaim!
Hey Folks,
Re: USA now becoming a S-ithole nation of s-itholes!
And the evidence keep piling up:
Worse yet, real Californians are being taxed and outsourced into oblivion:
I think that I must have started something here last year!
Judging by the emails and calls this is really catching on: Americans apparently are just now becoming truly aware that their once beautiful, Clean, Christian, Constitutional Republic is now fast becoming a DEMOCRATIC S-ITHOLE!
Cheers, With millions and millions more illegal immigrants -- It will get much, much worse!
P. S. People are fleeing California:
Re: USA now becoming a S-ithole nation of s-itholes!
And the evidence keep piling up:
Worse yet, real Californians are being taxed and outsourced into oblivion:

The End Game is to DESTROY AMERICA..ONE STATE AT A TIME....don't let them.
Im sorry for all the good people are suffering in California. It's pretty bad even in North Carolina. When Georgia had the good sense to cut illegals off their welfare they flooded into North Carolina. There was no room for me in my local hospital when I was in labor with my daughter. I basically got put in a supplies area they rigged for a room. The whole ward was full of Mexican women who couldn't speak English. Our schools are overwhelmed with how many students they have the motels are full of bed bugs. We keep having lice and scabies break outs in the area, whooping cough is trending. I was raped by the illegal, nothing was done even though I went to the police. They overwhelmed our welfare office and food pantries and our Christmas help programs to the point most had to shut down. There's no more help when you need it. Im sure almost every one is going through the same. Our country is overwhelmed. And it just gets worse never better.
This is the future of America...one big shithole of drugs and corruption.
I think that I must have started something here last year!
Judging by the emails and calls this is really catching on: Americans apparently are just now becoming truly aware that their once beautiful, Clean, Christian, Constitutional Republic is now fast becoming a DEMOCRATIC S-ITHOLE!
Cheers, With millions and millions more illegal immigrants -- It will get much, much worse!
P. S. People are fleeing California:
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