Re: Fraudulent billing of State workers is paid without any oversight, apparently!
This guy billed for more overtime hours than possible:
I worked for the BLM in Alaska fighting forest fires for almost a decade ('67-'77, minus two years in the Army): and our overtime hours were reviewed over and over.
Incidentally, a dirty little secret known only to those who have fought fires: many Forest Fires are set by firefighters - and others allowed to rapidly spread - so that Firefighters can get plenty of overtime!!
This latter is most often a late season phenomena when the overall fire season has been lackluster; and some truly evil guys are desperate to make some more money for the season!!

The last full blown Kondratieff Long-Wave contraction occurred in the 30's. The next Kondratieff Long-Wave finally commenced in 2007-08, after being delayed by several foolish and ultimately unsuccessful interdictions of the US Monetary and Fiscal authorities. Its reemergence is now ordained with the FED's insanely structured ZIRP! Therefore, the Kondratieff's full impact is due to reassert itself in the next 18 to 36 months. If you want to know more: go to,
Thursday, May 31, 2018
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Tens of Thousands of Homeless in Southern California?
Hey Folks,
Re: My alleged misrepresentation of the startling number of Homeless in America?
Photo gallery: Orange County's riverside homeless begin trading tents for motels
By Los Angeles Times Staff Feb 20, 2018 | 5:25 PM
I could post endlessly of the mounting evidence but for now -- I rest my case.
Friday, May 25, 2018
California ranked as S_ithole State of the Union
Hey Folks,
Re: Disintegration of California into a S_ithole State is Portent for entire USA!
I remember the California of the fifties and the sixties and that California is gone!
Here are several others who say the same thing:
Fabio says it.
Chuck Woolery says it.
Gutfeld says it.
Laura Ingraham says it.
Dana Loesch says it.
This is really sad: I knew - and remember - California of the fifties very well. I went to K through 4th grade in Modesto and Reno Nevada; I was dragged repeatedly across the California/Nevada State Line by feuding, divorced parents.
From my perspective: all Liberals should be deported from the other 49 States directly to California.
Friday, May 11, 2018
Retail Death Spiral Accelerating?
Hey Folks,
Re: Retailers Aren't Closing Down Fast enough?
These days retailers are really getting quite a continual beating; so much so that most of them seem to be on the Darwinian Hit List of the soon to be extinguished and terminated.
I almost feel sorry for anybody in that game.
But they really don't deserve much sympathy given their past arrogance and total ignorance of long-term economic cycles that is the basic cause of the ever dropping aggregate consumer demand that I wrote about on my destroyed Website. And that demand evaporation was precipitated by the onset of the Kondratieff Super Cycle in 2007/08; for, that is what is now hitting them hard.
I know of these things because I tried to warn so many back in 2005 to 2009; and I talked to many: and they were just blind to the changing times.
So, go read the following fairly decent analysis of what ails retail; but of course no one, but no one, references the massive psychological downturn of the consumer's buying patterns caused by the on-going Kondratieff!
"Macy's may not be closing stores 'fast enough'
Dive Brief:
"Morgan Stanley analysts suggested Macy's might need to quicken the pace of its store closures and downgraded their estimates for the department store retailer's stock... ...
"While Macy's has proactively closed stores, ongoing negative store-only comps lead us to question if it is closing them fast enough," ..."
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
A real Writer: also sees America's decline into a 3rd World S_ithole
Hey Folks,
Re: America's decline into a 3rd World S_ithole!!!???!!!
I am posting this in direct response to those of you who bother me with your stupidly insipid blather and quite simply are just blind and don't get it; i.e. you are oblivious to the obvious all around you!!
And, I note that: 90% of my detractors on this issue are from either the East or the West Coast of this former Christian, Constitutional Republic!!
I don't want to be sued: so, you will have to go to the website of The Nation to read the whole article, which is fairly long with many other prescient observations by this writer, and I very strongly recommend that you do!
And remember, they delete their stories in only twelve days; so, go subscribe to The Nation as they are one of the very few magazines left, and that publishes some pretty accurately written expose's too!
In Rural America, the Postal Service Is Already Collapsing
Cutbacks have created a labor shortage at smaller stations, and mail carriers are struggling to do their jobs.
By Jake BittleTwitter
May 3, 2018
"I watched from the back as Jessica steered her car down hilly, unpaved roads, keeping her pace even as hail began to fly through the car’s open windows. She’s one of four mail carriers for a small town a few miles from the Canadian border. The town, and the ones around it, have seen better days: The mills closed decades ago, and the county’s sole remaining factory has threatened multiple times to outsource jobs. Most of the retail in the area is gone too; at the closest mall, about a half an hour away, there are fewer than a dozen stores still open, and the next closest shopping center is a two-hour drive.
"This “retail apocalypse,” brought about by private equity and the rise of e-commerce, has in turn made Amazon even more essential for the people in Jessica’s area; for those who work long hours, have to watch their kids, or can’t spend a fortune on gas, driving two hours to buy a television or new clothes isn’t an option. They have no choice but to shop on the Internet, which means that the back of Jessica’s vehicle is filled with more packages than ever before. The packages would be hard enough on their own, since Jessica often has to get out and trudge through the snow to deliver them, but they’re not the worst of her worries: For upwards of a year, half the positions at Jessica’s postal station were vacant..... ...."
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Something Weird Go'in On!!
Hey Folks,
My last post was deleted three times since I originally tried to post it yesterday by parties unknown to me.
Let's see how long it stays up this time?
And for those who have just sent me emails claiming my statements are wrong about all the wonderful illegals in our country who just want to be Americans like everybody else and just want to work??
Start with the following you blind imbeciles!!
And I'll try to find some stats on the millions who just end up on the dole, which to them is like Manna from heaven compared to what they had from whence they came!
I guess I just happen to know a lot more about this than most.
My last post was deleted three times since I originally tried to post it yesterday by parties unknown to me.
Let's see how long it stays up this time?
And for those who have just sent me emails claiming my statements are wrong about all the wonderful illegals in our country who just want to be Americans like everybody else and just want to work??
Start with the following you blind imbeciles!!
And I'll try to find some stats on the millions who just end up on the dole, which to them is like Manna from heaven compared to what they had from whence they came!
I guess I just happen to know a lot more about this than most.
3rd World Mall of America?
Hey Folks
Re: in many states and in many cities, USA is very fast becoming a 3rd World S-ithole!!
After the stabbings and knifings noted in this article now taking place almost every week in the formally serene Mall of America, this is growing evidence that this formally Christian, Constitutional Republic of the USA is now rapidly descending into that of a 3rd World Country (Democracy**) of anti-Christs, Pagans, Heathens, agnostics, atheists, libertines and, of course, baby killers!!
Baby Killers?
You say??
Well, there are roughly over 1 1/2 million babies (Estimated to have been over 90 million since Roe vs. Wade) killed each year in this land of the Devil.
So, you doubt that this formally Christian Land is now the Land of the Devil??
Well, how about that those babies are then chopped up and sold for their blood and body parts, which yields the baby killers somewhere between $5,000 to $12,500 per baby. The latter figure is for very late term babies with fully developed kidneys, hearts, eyeballs, male balls, etc, etc!
And to preserve the carcasses many late term babies are then left in freezers* to cry for hours - BEFORE THEY DIE CRUEL AND INHUMAN DEATHS BY BEING GRADUALLY FROZEN TO DEATH WHILE ALIVE!
And as I wrote in my very last post - only last night - this is all becoming too easy for me to post about now.
And, just remember, all of this newly apparent mayhem in retail America will forever - and ever - drive away the Foot Traffic that so many retailers depend upon!!
Goodbye, retail, Goodby!!
Now, the alternative media is actually becoming quite a hotbed of activity in covering this long-ignored disaster in the making!!
And this exploding phenomena --- of gratuitously initiated wanton violence on the highways, and byways, and sidewalks of America by unwelcome and uninvited immigrants --- is now much easier to glean from alternative media-sources; and that coverage confirms what now quite literally every American of my generation sees every day; i.e. the expanding horrors of a now decadent and rapidly deteriorating USA.
* If the babies are really late term the eyes, brains, hearts and other organs can go for well over $12,000!!! And the skin, flesh and other body parts yield stem cells in the trillions for all those ugly hags to smear all over their faces and thus preserve their demonic- visages.
Where else but the LAND of the DEVIL can this be taking place every thirty to forty seconds?????!!!!!!!
** Ain't it going to be Just Great when the anti-Christs, Pagans, Heathens, agnostics, atheists, libertines and baby killers out number us Christians.
For then if the evil scum are truly successful in making this once governable Christian, Constitutional Republic a mob-ruled Democracy --- then all the anti-Christs, agnostics, atheists, libertines and baby killers will join with these new American Pagans and Heathens from the 3rd World S_itholes of the world; and the Satan the Devil will RULE, but NOT for long as foretold in Revelation 17 & 18!
Sunday, May 6, 2018
3rd World Seattle?
Hey Folks,
Re: the bifurcation of the 3rd World now in the USA.
The truth of a two state USA stares us in the face; namely, booming Elite and exploding Lower Class --- with shrinking Middle class.
This is getting too easy lately; so, something is going to have to give!
If you know what I mean; and if you don't, then you'll find out when the second wave of the Kondratieff Tsunami hits.
Re: the bifurcation of the 3rd World now in the USA.
The truth of a two state USA stares us in the face; namely, booming Elite and exploding Lower Class --- with shrinking Middle class.
This is getting too easy lately; so, something is going to have to give!
If you know what I mean; and if you don't, then you'll find out when the second wave of the Kondratieff Tsunami hits.
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