The last full blown Kondratieff Long-Wave contraction occurred in the 30's. The next Kondratieff Long-Wave finally commenced in 2007-08, after being delayed by several foolish and ultimately unsuccessful interdictions of the US Monetary and Fiscal authorities. Its reemergence is now ordained with the FED's insanely structured ZIRP! Therefore, the Kondratieff's full impact is due to reassert itself in the next 18 to 36 months. If you want to know more: go to, www.polestarcomm.com
Friday, January 6, 2017
Kondratieff Tsunami Continues Apace
Many have asked, "why have you made so few posts over the last several years?"
Well, when you're right, you're right: you need not keep blathering, as so many do.
Namely, when all my macro-economic forecasts, since March 2009, are still in play and progressing inevitably toward the prophesied (see all my pages on www.polestarcomm.com) complete economic devolution of the USA economy, sometime in 2022-2025, I need neither amend nor comment - very often.
In the first years, up until 2013, I did post many times, because until the phony stock market rally and all the other BS was fully in play no one could believe that the PTB could engineer a HUGE and phony stock market rally despite collapsing DEMAND FOR ALL THINGS OVER ALL THE EARTH; that is, except for the trinkets and baubles of the rich who are getting ever richer, while the poor are getting ever poorer.
In other words, since then, there has been no need to say very much; i.e.
#1 the USA economy has continued in a death-spiral contraction,
#2 The formerly prosperous middle class is now in an obvious and severe contraction,
#3 Real inflation, not phony Commerce Dept. data, continues to rage unabated,
#4 Precious Metals, especially gold, has been artificially crushed by the PTB, and will go much, much lower.
But, so many tens of millions have now been totally duped by the Trumpster, that I feel it is time for an update: I hope to have one up in a couple of weeks.
Until then:
#1 USA economy still in contraction,
#2 middle class still being wiped out,
#3 Real inflation still going much, much higher,
#4 Gold still going much, much lower - probably under $725 an ounce,
#5 Dow Jones still going much, much higher;
except I now see DJI going over 36,000 not the old number of 26,000.
So keep watching because there are many ways to enrich yourselves and to survive in this treacherous economy.
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