The past few months have been bizarre on all fronts:
#1 Macro-Metaphysical
#2 US Macro-Economic
#3 Global Macro-Economic
The net of all things is that the world-wide Kondratieff Secular Super-Wave has continued unabated: no economic forces known to man will counteract the deep power of this wave. As proof of this little-known nor recognized fact, all aggregate demand around all the earth - for all things - continues in a state of contraction: and that is the underlying problem of all things economic.
I think that I will be able to post some clarifying and edifying comments in a couple of days. But if I am not able to do so, you should review all pages of; nothing has changed since those pages were written.
And remember all things are preordained from here on out, i.e. Super Kondratieff Contraction continues, Inflation still raging and soon to explode, DOW JONES 26,000, Gold 825 and the old and nearly forgotten Misery Index (MI) of the 70's and 80's is set to accelerate and to eventually overtake all personal and aggregate psychic registers.